Respect, and appreciate each other!

Elfadhilah Dhiyaaul Basyar
3 min readMar 27, 2020


The Respect, Appreciate and giving advice is so Good for your life!

if you know why we still do respect? cause its important! Its has many impacts on human life. Respect is a form of caring for others. If you do not want to respect others, surely others will insult you.

Being respected by important people in our lives growing up teaches us how to be respectful toward others. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they’re different from you or you don’t agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing. Respect doesn’t have to come naturally — it is something you learn.

“‘Respect’, well, is to look again, I don’t know,”
“‘Respect’, what?”

That is What BTS says from his side. They didn’t Understand The English, but his fandom, ARMY is Respect his song . its pretty good.

now we change the topic to “ appreciate”.

If you didn’t know about appreciate…. I will tell you about it.

Appreciating is an appreciation for others. Even if you just say hello, that also includes respecting others. If you want to be appreciated by others, then start respecting others, with that, other people will respect you. It’s proof of your kindness from all the goodness of the world. Imagine if you do not greet others, do not look at the slightest, as if there was nothing … Means that other people would think you are crazy or insane. We should do appropriate!

Why? Because mutual respect, not only applies to interact in the environment in the real world but also applies to interact in cyberspace. Would you Respect and Appreciate?

Not only all people, it includes disability and woman. Cause they would be Respected! Of course, if we respect them, surely they will be happy. If for example, we do not want to respect and appreciate that is their right. if you kick them out, that’s really cruel!

there are many benefits of respecting others, very much. here I will mention the benefits of respecting others:

1. Respect becomes Respect
Respect for others creates respect for you.

2. Career Doors Open
Finding out how to show respect for your peers and those in positions of authority can change the course of your life. Use these tips to show others that you value and appreciate what they are contributing and this can make your way up a little easier.

3. Others Want to Help You
Respect for others does not stop with your mentor, coworkers, and superiors. Look for ways to show respect for service people, not just higher rises, and you might find yourself getting discounts, money-saving tips, and special attention that makes other people wonder how much you tip people waiting for you.

4. Advantages of Quality Reputation
Your reputation increases when others feel respected and treated well in front of you. Being someone who can interact with others can easily give you recommendations, letters of support, and good words about you to others.

5. Get a friend
Making friends by respecting the time and presence of others makes them feel valued in your company. The end result is having more people who want to spend time with you and are happy to see you come.

6. Others Want to See You Succeed
Increasing friendships and acquaintances means increasing the number of people who support you. As others often say, connections can make the difference between success and failure, employment and unemployment, loneliness and attachment.

That is all. if you want more Blogs, you can check my profile. Thank you for all support!



Elfadhilah Dhiyaaul Basyar

Deaf, ARMY & MOA blogger , likes to write what She sees and happens. all Blogs come from his mind. His blog is the inspiration of all the events that She sees.