Most Popular Text Embedding Models: A Comparison

Saleem Javed
4 min readNov 27, 2023


Text Embedding Models

Understanding Text Embedding

Text embedding is a cornerstone technique in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), revolutionizing how machines understand human language. By converting text into numerical form, text embeddings allow computers to process, analyze, and interpret human language with remarkable efficiency. This article delves into the concept, various algorithms, models, and applications of text embedding.

Text embedding involves transforming textual data into a numerical format, specifically into vectors of real numbers. This conversion is pivotal because, unlike humans, machines do not inherently understand text. Embeddings capture semantic and syntactic essence of words, phrases, or even entire documents, representing them in a multi-dimensional space where the position and distance between vectors signify linguistic or semantic similarity.

Importance in NLP

In NLP, embeddings are crucial as they enable algorithms to discern meaning and context. They help in overcoming the challenges posed by the vast diversity and complexity of human language, including nuances like irony, sarcasm, and context-dependent meanings.

Algorithms and Models

Word-Level Embeddings

  1. Word2Vec: Developed by Google, it uses shallow neural networks to produce word embeddings. It comes in two flavors: Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) and Skip-Gram, each capturing different word relationships. Read More: Word2Vec Tutorial : A Text classification model
  2. GloVe: Stanford’s Global Vectors for Word Representation algorithm works by aggregating global word-word co-occurrence matrix from a corpus, capturing both local and global context.

Subword-Level Embeddings

  • FastText: Enhancing Word2Vec, FastText represents words as bags of character n-grams. This approach allows the model to understand morphological nuances and generate embeddings for out-of-vocabulary words.

Contextual Embeddings

  1. ELMo: ELMo uses deep, bidirectional LSTM networks to create word representations. Unlike traditional embeddings, ELMo provides context-dependent vectors.
  2. BERT: Google’s BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) generates deep bidirectional representations by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers, leading to state-of-the-art performances in various NLP tasks.

Let’s explore five of the most popular text embedding models.

  1. Word2Vec: Developed by Google, Word2Vec is a pioneering model in word embeddings. It uses neural networks to learn word associations from a large corpus of text and represents these words in a high-dimensional space.
  2. GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation): GloVe, developed at Stanford, is another influential word embedding technique. Unlike Word2Vec, GloVe constructs its representations by examining word co-occurrences across the entire corpus to capture global statistics.
  3. FastText: Created by Facebook’s AI Research lab, FastText extends the Word2Vec model by not only considering whole words but also taking into account sub-word units (like prefixes and suffixes). This allows it to handle out-of-vocabulary words better.
  4. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): Developed by Google AI, BERT represents a breakthrough in context-dependent embeddings. It uses a transformer architecture to consider the context of a word in both directions (left and right of the word).
  5. ELMo (Embeddings from Language Models): ELMo, developed by the Allen Institute for AI, offers deep, contextualized word representations. It utilizes bidirectional LSTMs (Long Short-Term Memory networks) trained on a specific task to create embeddings that consider the entire sentence context.

Comparison of Features and Limitations


  • Features: Efficient, produces high-quality word embeddings.
  • Limitations: Context-agnostic, struggles with polysemy (words with multiple meanings).
  • Suitable Applications: Good for general word similarity tasks.


  • Features: Captures global word-word co-occurrence statistics.
  • Limitations: Like Word2Vec, it’s context-agnostic.
  • Suitable Applications: Useful in applications where global matrix factorization is beneficial, like in clustering.


  • Features: Handles out-of-vocabulary words, sub-word information.
  • Limitations: Larger model size, slower than Word2Vec.
  • Suitable Applications: Best for languages with rich morphology and texts with a lot of rare words.


  • Features: Contextual embeddings, state-of-the-art results in many NLP tasks.
  • Limitations: Computationally expensive, requires fine-tuning for specific tasks.
  • Suitable Applications: Ideal for tasks requiring understanding of context, like question answering and sentiment analysis.


  • Features: Deep contextualized word representations, adaptable to different tasks.
  • Limitations: Requires substantial computational resources.
  • Suitable Applications: Performs well in a range of NLP tasks, including text classification and sentiment analysis.

In conclusion, the choice of embedding model largely depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the application. While models like Word2Vec and GloVe offer simplicity and efficiency, more advanced models like BERT and ELMo provide deep, context-aware representations at the cost of computational resources. FastText strikes a balance, offering sub-word level embeddings, especially beneficial for handling a variety of linguistic phenomena.

