Duncan Pow about Buddhism in daily life and ‘Nam myoho renge kyo’

XII Waves Transformatie Podcast #51

Sjanett de Geus, MSc
Twelve Waves
2 min readNov 29, 2018


Duncan introduced me to the practice of ‘Nam myoho renge kyo’ as a way of transforming our life condition and as a road to enlightenment in this lifetime. Duncan however, is not a Buddhist monk. He is an actor from London with a very powerful and inspiring story.

Duncan Pow Podcast

I met Duncan during a shamanic healing retreat that I did with my sister wife just a couple of weeks ago. A very transformative weekend for the both of us, and we also talk a little about this during this podcast.

However, the main reason for me to invite Duncan was because I was intrigued by how he incorporates his Buddhist practice into his daily life and how he used chanting to overcome the hardships and obstacles that had caused great suffering within his life

In this podcast you will learn:

  • What is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo?
  • What is enlightenment?
  • How can we integrate our shadow sides?

I loved talking to Duncan and I hope you will find his journey as inspiring as I did. Enjoy!



Ook interessant:

Originally published at Twelve Waves.



Sjanett de Geus, MSc
Twelve Waves

Sjanett is vice-president van Twelve Waves en daarnaast entrepeneur, spreker, psychologisch wetenschapper, podcaster en meervoudig kampioen kettlebellsport