My First BuyMeACoffee ☕ Goal

Its final result will be of your choice

Sandra Jasionowska-Kuryło
2 min readSep 5, 2022
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

In March this year, I’ve set up my BuyMeACoffee account.

Screenshot of my first and only BuyMeACoffee post. Captured by the author of the story.

I couldn’t promise you more than I was already doing, so that’s what I did!

I’m honored to announce that since then, I’ve received coffees from 5 supporters, and that adds up to 55 USD. I certainly purchased a lot of supermarket caffeine using that money, and recently thought of doing something in return.

My first idea is to stream a YouTube live, where I, fanfares please, will talk to you in English, and that scares me already.

(By the way, in my opinion, it’s kind of weird I can only set up one goal at the time, but maybe I’m doing something wrong? It was only today when I finally realized how to change my thank-you message and the coffee price on this platform, welp.)



Sandra Jasionowska-Kuryło

Unity Developer by day || Hiking, (Mental) Health, Fitness, Indie Games, Self-awareness Maniac by night || Always a Pole 🇵🇱