Steven Adler
1 min readFeb 14, 2019


Interesting article — you might be familiar with the story of Vernon Davis from a few years back ( or some of the companies like Upstart ( that started with the idea of selling streams of future income, but seem to have now settled in as ‘smarter ways to get a good loan’.

One of the persistent problems here seems to be adverse selection, and also moral hazard — if you can sell your income for a lot under the guise of becoming a big-time investment banker, then opt-out and go for a calmer career, that certainly isn’t great for the investor. But they can’t really know ahead of time, and they also can’t conscript you to take such a job (though perhaps there could be clawback provisions of some kind …)

Thanks for the thoughts; hope to catch you soon -



Steven Adler

I work at the intersection of AI, ethics, and business strategy; thoughts are my own.