How to chain prompts in

Sjoerd Tiemensma
18 min readMar 26, 2024


LLMs generally don’t like to output long pieces of text. oftentimes it's hard to get more than 600–700 words out of a single prompt. If we want to generate longer pieces of text, say you have an hour-long podcast you want to turn into a readable format, 600–700 words simply doesn’t cut it.

The same goes for turning an idea into a longer article, you first need to create or generate an outline, and then process each part separately. But what if we want this to be dynamic? Not every piece of text needs the same outline.

To fix that, we can use a few simple techniques in, dynamically process each section, and in the end, combine everything!

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The workflow

In this case, it will be a transcription of a YouTube video that will be turned into a longer article. This could be anything else, use whatever you’d like.

  • Provide input text
  • Turn said text into an outline using a single prompt
  • Iterative over the sections and process them separately
  • Combine everything for the final result.

We provide the input text through a simple basic trigger (this can be swapped out for something else)

Then, we use “JSON Mode”, hidden under advanced settings in the “Create a completion” module from OpenAI. JSON output provides a structure that makes it possible for us to extract different elements.

We use a basic prompt, like so, to cut up the large text into smaller parts:

## Instructions

You are a content writing specialized tasked with creating an outline for a structured text out of a transcribed youtube video. This needs to be in the following JSON format.

## Example
"1": "Short description of Section 1",
"2": "Short description of Section 2",
"3": "Short description of Section 3",
"4": "Short description of Section 4"

## Transcription


## Structure

This provides us with elements we can use, especially if we hand it over to a Parse JSON module.

However, an array alone isn’t enough. Make uses bundles, which are like baskets of information. Right now, the structure is in a single basket and we need to turn it into multiple baskets, separating the sections so we can process each one. For this, we use an iterator. Now, we can pass each basket on to ChatGPT separately.

In the image below, you can see in the little white circles on the top right of each module there’s a “1” for the first, then that turns into 8 after the iterator, only to be combined into 1 by the aggregator.

Once we’ve separated them using the iterator, we can write a new prompt (without JSON Mode)

## Instruction

You will be provided with a transcript from a youtube video and a structure of the text. Your task is to write one single section of that transcript, specifically {{14.value[]}}. Make sure to not overstep on other section.

## Transcription


## Structure

Continue and only continue the writing of point {{14.`__IMTINDEX__`}} . Write out only this section in a complete and thorough manner.

## {{14.value[]}}

In this case, the {{14.value[]}} will take the section we’re at from the basket, which allows us to build a different prompt for each part of the skeleton.

In other words, we iterate over the different sections and fill in the next section, like so:

  • Write section 1, Introduction to the important of an AI….
  • Write section 2, Strategies for filtering and…
  • Write section 3, Tools and methods..
  • … etc.

We use the Text Aggregator to combine the separate written-out sections into one single piece of text, and go from all the separate buckets, back to a single one.

This means we go from one long piece of unstructured text to one long piece of structured text!

You can get this template for free from my ko-fi shop here:

For example, we can go from this mess of a transcription from a YouTube video:

onest how often do you go back tothe things that you save somewhere onInstagram or Tik Tok or LinkedIn and youactually reference that or use it allit's not a simple answer every businessand team should have their own AIknowledge base internally and dedicatedpeople contributing to it but keyproblem is over abundance of informationand noise and teams operating in silosin this video I want to share with youthe system that we developed in ourcompany how we centralize theinformation that anybody individuallycomes across how how we capture that howwe filter that and how we use it hi I'mgot to go I help businesses and peopleadopt faster and transform Smarter withInnovative AI Solutions first thing isfiltering your sources kind of trainingyour social media algorithm towards thecontent that you would like to watchmaybe separating different accounts yourprofessional one with your personal oneand here I'm talking about InstagramTwitter and even Tik Tok even though Idon't use Tik Tok myself it's nothealthy for me podcast newslettersLinkedIn articles on the web you name itone optional source that I would like toshare with you is Feedly it's not forfree it comes at the cost and that's whyI mean it's optional Feedly basicallyAggregates all the news feeds that youare interested in in one place nextthing is how do you capture all thisinformation there is bazillion of waysto do that and I tried automations Itried different project managementsoftwares and those all work but Ipersonally don't like to use 10different tools uh and then pay smallsubscriptions for each so I boiled itdown to three of which one is completelyfree and capturing is not only how youcapture but also where do you captureall that content my personal preferenceis notion but we also use obsidian fordifferent type of purpose and you cancheck out Joe rosone who is myco-founder he breaks down in his channelthe whole obsidian setup that we wentthrough so in this video we're going touse notion for capturing the content ondesktop I use readwise readwise cost alittle bit of money but is so Universaland so useful it has become my go-tosecond way I capture content on desktopis save to notion Chrome extension thisallows you to develop templates how youcapture content and the way it capturescontent is so amazing because it notonly captures their URL but it alsograbs everything from that web page andthis is going to be extremely usefulwhen we talk about notion AI featureslike Q&A where you can ask questionsabout your whole database and it givesyou aners so the Richer the informationthat you capture the better answers youwill get and of course majority of usare on our mobiles there is a brilliantway to capture content both on Androidand iPhone you just simply take a pieceof content no matter 
what it is andshare it to notion now of course whenyou capture all this content it has togo somewhere you have to set updatabases in notion and this is mydatabase but I'm going to show you howyou can create new one when you startwith notion this is going to be youraccount here and we are going going tocreate new page say database now youhave a couple of options so space isgoing to recall AI features we don'twant that now but the slash is going tocall functions we say database and wewill do full page and I'm going to callthis database test so now you can set upsend to notion new template select firstof all database and we are going to dosyn Minds media say database test hereyou go and it's going to pull all thecolumns that you have created here andwhen we do save for example you are on adesktop you can just send to notionselect your database it's going to pullin this case an image and we will saysave here you go you have a new item inyour new database readwise has nativeintegration with notion first of all youwill have to choose your workspace whereyou want rvis database to be created inthis case we have syn points media andthen you have couple of settings to playwith and this is how bad database willstart looking it categorizes for yourcontent into articlespodcast books and even tweets anythingthat you highlight across the internetgoes into that database but as well asyour highlights from Kindle alsohighlights from podcast which I willshow you how to do as well the mostbrilliant way to capture highlights orsummaries from the podcast is installingthis app like snippet on this app tomake a highlight of a podcast if you'relistening you need to tap three times onyour airpods and it creates a highlightsends it to readwise
and sends that tonotion amazing so so now of course weare not here to hoard the informationand just let it sit and never doanything with that you have to developsystems how you're going to review thatinformation and what happens with thatin this process I like to see thatinformation that I capture is like ideasin an ether that's could die on its owncould be an inspiration or turn into thewhole piece of content on its own andthen we have our Central databaseconnected to every single differentChannel as well as our individualdatabase so the way it works that I cango into my brain dump and I'm working ona video about robots and I capturedAmazon robots for example notion allowsyou to create relationships betweendifferent databases so now I can justclick and say robots and here you go myproject is here the good thing is if Igo and open this project or any personin my team opens this project they canreference and see every single resourcethat I captured related to this video orI I can also see Joe's readwise and Ican search if he has anything onrobots and look at this he does so I cango and take a look at this piece ofcontent also if I got inspired by a newpiece of content that I saw I can createnew project let's call it AIsurveillance and I click new here you gowe have the whole new project and now Ican set up the publish date I can set upto which channel it has to go on top ofthat I also also have my tools databasehere for example if I'm working on thisproject where I bought AI glasses I cancheck in a database if I have thiscompany and I can make an associationhere then we talk about system I thinkthere are
two ways it's very useful tohave dedicated time daily that you goback to and review and maybe leave notesor create new projects related to thatsecond one is maybe weekly together withyour team reviewing and sharing ideasand what everyone captured and this iswhere notion AI feat fees come so handyand you probably can already tell I'm ahuge fan of notion because it's socustomizable and every single personlikes to work differently and I've beena fan of notion ever since I came acrossa
video from Ali abdal it's now likeprobably 5 years that I've been usingnotion and I'm so happy to say that thisis the portion of a video sponsored bynotion the ability that you can askquestions about your whole database notonly on a basic level that it's usefulbecause can just quickly find stuff in asmart way but also you can ask what isyour team reading what is the deadlineswhat is the project um the status of aproject and much more and here areimportant pieces of advice from our ownexperience when you set everything updon't just deploy a bunch of people intothis start with the people who are supersuper at the core of AI and just slowlystart building that so for example inour case we didn't plug every singleperson from our company we started withmyself and Joe because we are the onescreating content if you haven't figuredyet this video is also on boarding videofor our new team member so hey guys ifyou're using the capture content tocreate new content this is going to besuper useful because again notion has somany ey features cool help you summarizehelp you write content you can preprompt with little buttons where you canclick and it literally just writes downthe content as you would like that to doand then you combine this with acalendar feature which notion justlaunched and that stands as an app onits own I completely personallyabandoned any other calendar from thispoint and the reason we as a businessevent with notion Advent we were testingdifferent AI Solutions different projectManagement Solutions and one thingbecause they've been around for a whileyou can integrate them with a lot ofthings so that's always a plus you kindof can trust them that they are notgoing to go poof like a lot of AIstartups um they keep innovating andkeep adding value for the team to adoptproject management solution and actuallyuse it it has to be customizable becauseevery single person likes to workdifferently and likes to manage theirthings differently you can customizenotion however you want sky the limitthey are free to use for all these yearsI never paid for notion but now withthese AI features and all the value thatnotion provides I'm happ
y to pay that alittle premium on top and then of coursewe get to the calendar which is amazingbecause that works both with yourcontent and your projects and your anyother calendar allows you so manyfunctionalities which I cover in thisvideo

Into this:

Every business and team should have their own AI knowledge base internally, with dedicated people contributing to it. The key problem lies in the overabundance of information and noise, with teams often operating in silos. In this video, I will share the system that we have developed in our company to centralize the information that individuals come across. We will discuss how we capture, filter, and utilize this information effectively. Let's delve into the crucial role that an AI knowledge base plays in streamlining information management for businesses and teams.
First thing is filtering your sources kind of training your social media algorithm towards the content that you would like to watch maybe separating different accounts your professional one with your personal one and here I'm talking about Instagram Twitter and even Tik Tok even though I don't use Tik Tok myself it's not healthy for me podcast newsletters LinkedIn articles on the web you name it one optional source that I would like to share with you is Feedly it's not for free it comes at the cost and that's why I mean it's optional Feedly basically Aggregates all the news feeds that you are interested in in one place.
Next thing is how do you capture all this information. There are bazillion of ways to do that and I tried automations, different project management softwares, and those all work but I personally don't like to use 10 different tools and pay small subscriptions for each. So, I boiled it down to three, of which one is completely free.

Capturing is not only about how you capture but also where do you capture all that content. My personal preference is Notion, but we also use Obsidian for different types of purposes. Notion allows you to create relationships between different databases, making it easier to organize and access information.

On desktop, I use Readwise. Readwise costs a little bit of money but is so universal and useful that it has become my go-to for capturing content. Another way I capture content on desktop is through the Save to Notion Chrome extension. This allows you to develop templates for how you capture content and the way it captures content is amazing as it not only grabs the URL but also everything from that web page. This is extremely useful when utilizing Notion's AI features like Q&A, where you can ask questions about your whole database and it gives you answers. The richer the information you capture, the better answers you will get.

For mobile users, there is a brilliant way to capture content on both Android and iPhone. You can simply take a piece of content, no matter what it is, and share it to Notion. This seamless
When it comes to setting up and using databases in Notion for content organization, it's important to establish a systematic approach that works for your team. To begin, you can create a new page within Notion and start by setting up a database. By selecting the slash function and choosing database, you can create a new database page.

Within the database page, you have the option to customize it according to your needs. You can add different columns based on the type of content you want to organize. For example, you can categorize the content into articles, podcasts, books, tweets, etc.

One approach to capturing content and adding it to your database is by using the Readwise app, which seamlessly integrates with Notion. This allows you to save highlights or summaries from various sources such as articles, podcasts, and even tweets directly into your Notion database. Additionally, the Readwise app offers features like capturing Kindle highlights and podcast summaries, making it a versatile tool for content organization.

Another effective way to capture content is by using the "Save to Notion" Chrome extension. This extension enables you to save web pages along with their URLs and content directly to your Notion database. This feature becomes particularly useful when utilizing Notion's AI capabilities, such as the Q&A feature, where you can ask questions about your database and receive answers based on the information you've captured.

Moreover, by creating relationships between different databases within Notion, you can easily link related content and resources. This interconnected
Integrating Readwise with Notion for content categorization:

Readwise has native integration with Notion, making it a seamless process to organize and categorize the content you capture. First, you will have to choose your workspace where you want Readwise's database to be created. Once that is set up, you have a couple of settings to play with to customize your database.

The database categorizes your content into articles, podcasts, books, and even tweets. It captures anything that you highlight across the internet, ensuring that all valuable information is saved. Moreover, it also captures your highlights from Kindle and even highlights from podcasts.

One of the most efficient ways to capture highlights or summaries from podcasts is by installing the Snippet app. By using this app, you can create a highlight of a podcast while listening. Simply tap three times on your airpods, and the app will create a highlight, send it to Readwise, and then store it in your Notion database.

By integrating Readwise with Notion, you can easily organize and access your captured content, ensuring that it is not just stored but also utilized effectively in your projects and content creation process.
The most brilliant way to capture highlights or summaries from the podcast is by installing an app like Snippet. This app allows you to make a highlight of a podcast while you're listening. All you need to do is tap three times on your AirPods, and it will create the highlight. The highlight is then sent to Readwise, which in turn sends it to Notion. This seamless integration makes it incredibly easy to capture and organize content from podcasts.

Now, of course, it's essential to not just hoard the information that you capture but to actually do something with it. You need to develop systems for how you will review that information and what actions you will take as a result. When I capture information, I like to think of it as ideas floating in an ether. These ideas could either die on their own, serve as inspiration, or evolve into a whole piece of content.

Our system includes a central database that is connected to all the different channels we use, as well as individual databases. This interconnected setup allows for easy referencing and collaboration. For example, if I'm working on a video about robots and I captured information about Amazon robots, I can easily link those resources to my project. This way, anyone in my team can see and access the information related to that project.

Additionally, we have set up databases for specific content types such as articles, podcasts, books, and even tweets. Readwise categorizes the content highlights we capture into these categories, making
When it comes to reviewing and utilizing the information that has been captured within a team, it is crucial to establish systematic approaches that ensure the valuable data is not only stored but also actively used to drive innovation and productivity. Here are a few key strategies that can optimize the review and utilization process:

1. **Daily Review and Note-taking:** Dedicate specific time daily for team members to revisit the captured information, leave notes, and potentially create new projects or ideas based on the insights gained. This daily review can help in ensuring that the information does not get overlooked and can spark new initiatives.

2. **Weekly Team Review and Sharing:** Schedule regular team meetings where team members can come together to share the information they have captured, discuss ideas, and collaborate on potential projects. This collaborative review process can lead to cross-pollination of ideas and facilitate a more holistic approach to utilizing the captured information.

3. **Utilizing Notion AI Features:** Leveraging the AI features of tools like Notion can enhance the review process significantly. Notion's AI capabilities can help in quickly finding specific information, tracking deadlines, project statuses, and much more. By asking questions about the entire database, team members can get customized insights that can streamline decision-making and project management.

4. **Customizable Workflows:** Notion's customizable nature allows each team member to work in a way that suits their preferences. This flexibility ensures that individuals can manage and utilize the captured information according to their unique workflow. Customized workflows can
When it comes to creating and managing projects and tasks in Notion, it's important to have a structured approach. Notion offers a robust system for organizing and tracking your projects, tasks, and ideas efficiently.

One key feature in Notion is the ability to set up databases for different purposes. To create a new database in Notion, start by going to your account and creating a new page. Then, use the slash command to call the database function and select the full-page option. Name your database accordingly, and you can set up templates to streamline the process.

For capturing content, Notion offers integration with various tools like Readwise and Chrome extensions. Readwise, for instance, allows you to capture content from different sources and organize it within your Notion database. The Chrome extension "Save to Notion" is another useful tool for capturing content directly from web pages, which can be beneficial for utilizing Notion's AI features like Q&A.

In addition to capturing content, Notion also allows you to create relationships between different databases. This feature can be handy for linking related resources, ideas, or projects together. By establishing these connections, you can easily navigate and reference information across different channels within Notion.

Furthermore, setting up dedicated time daily or weekly for reviewing and sharing ideas with your team can enhance collaboration and productivity. Leveraging Notion's AI features can help in extracting valuable insights from your database and optimizing your workflow.

Overall, Notion's customizable features, seamless integrations
One of the key aspects of Notion AI that sets it apart is its ability to assist in querying databases and aiding content creation. The AI features of Notion allow users to ask questions about their entire database, enabling them to quickly find specific information in a smart and efficient way. This functionality is not only useful for basic searches, but also for more complex inquiries such as team reading habits, project deadlines, project statuses, and much more.

By utilizing Notion AI's querying capabilities, users can easily track their team's progress, stay informed about project statuses, and streamline content creation processes. This feature is particularly valuable for teams working collaboratively on various projects, as it enhances communication, organization, and productivity.

Additionally, Notion's AI features can help users summarize information, generate content, and provide prompts for writing. With the ability to ask questions and receive relevant answers, users can optimize their workflow, improve decision-making, and enhance overall efficiency.

Implementing Notion in a team can be highly beneficial, especially when using it to capture content to create new content. Notion has many AI features that can help you summarize, write content, and even offer prompts with buttons to guide you through generating content. Combining this with the new calendar feature recently launched by Notion is a game-changer. Personally, I have abandoned other calendar tools in favor of Notion's integrated solution.

As a business, we have tested various AI solutions and project management tools. Notion stood out because of its customization options. To effectively adopt a project management solution, it must be customizable as every person prefers to work and manage tasks differently. Notion allows you to customize it to fit your needs, making it a powerful tool for team collaboration.

Although Notion was free for many years, the addition of AI features and the overall value it provides have made me willing to pay a premium for its services. The trustworthiness of Not
11. Overview of Notion's calendar feature and its integration capabilities

Notion recently launched its calendar feature, which stands as an app on its own. Personally, I have abandoned any other calendar app since the launch of Notion's calendar. As a business, we were testing different AI solutions and project management tools. Notion stood out because of its integration capabilities and the fact that it has been around for a while, making it a trustworthy option.

The calendar feature in Notion allows for seamless integration with your content, projects, and other calendars. It offers a wide range of functionalities that can greatly benefit users. With the ability to customize the platform to suit individual preferences, Notion's calendar feature is both user-friendly and adaptable.

In my experience, a project management solution needs to be customizable for each team member, and Notion excels in this aspect. With Notion, the sky's the limit when it comes to customization options. While I have been using Notion for years without paying for it, the introduction of AI features and the overall value it provides have convinced me to invest in a premium plan.

The calendar feature in Notion is a game-changer as it seamlessly integrates with your content and projects, offering a comprehensive and efficient way to manage your schedule. With its user-friendly interface and numerous functionalities, Notion's calendar feature is a valuable tool for businesses and individuals alike. As the platform continues to innovate and add value, it remains a reliable solution for those

