Water is an infrastructure & neutral building block

Watch the water

Sjoerd Alblas


As you know, water is always here and always flowing from one form to another, one place to another, providing the building blocks everything needs so it can grow into what they potentially already are. Water will never leave, it’s always here no matter how much you use, it will stay here on planet Earth.

And if you let it flow, it can give life to everything. Flowing is the key, no flow no life, too much flow and it destroys life, natural flow and you get the circle of life itself.

Water is an infrastructure that can hold many different identities, it’s a technology itself that is neutral but as soon as you use it, it will transform into the building block you need.

The financial system is like water, but you have to let it flow in an unconditional way, and in the past, there were many people that stopped and hijacked the flow, so more and more things stopped and were broken down because it was hard to get the building blocks.

The simulation of control that we call the Matrix

The old banking system, taxation, and many global businesses have attracted and sucked out the financial life of almost everything, but it wasn’t gone, it was just stored by people that have a lunatic scarcity mindset based on conditions.

The New Financial System QFS

Think mirror

The New Financial System QFS

This stored abundance will flow into the world again as soon as we Reset ourselves into Unconditional Love. Because that’s who we really are, we are Unconditional Love in physical form. When we Reset ourselves, this abundance can flow, so everything can grow into its true potential.

Every shortage is and always was created because we used the conditional building block, so we couldn’t see the abundance. Abundance is life itself and is everywhere and will never leave, it’s in plain sight for the eyes that can see again.

And with the QFS, which stands for the ‘’Quantum Financial System’’ we will transform this abundance into a new fresh flowing time. This is why many people know that we are entering ‘’The Golden Age’’​ of mankind.

Within the QFS all currencies worldwide will have the same value after the Global Currency Reset. All transactions will flow smoothly from one place to another within the QFS, without any interruption. In this way, we as a human collective can enter a time of natural flowing, worldwide.

Quantum Financial System
The QFS is a whole new gold-backed financial system for the world and will transform this old conditional and controlled paradigm into a new paradigm of unconditional love.


Remember this:

The conditional building block is destruction in physical form.

Unconditional building blocks are creation itself and create in physical form.

The system can only survive in a mind that is delusional and appears as a building block but is in reality destruction itself.

Who we really are is Unconditional Love, as soon as we remember this again we can be a creator again.

You can’t create with a mind based on conditions, you only can create with a mind that knows who he really is.

Interesting to know:
Banks come from riverbanks and currencies come from the current of rivers. The financial system is a mirror of the principle of water.

Liquidity “quality of being liquid”
Flowing is life itself

Be like water

Water | Frozen infrastructure
Water | Infrastructure
Water | Neutral building block



Sjoerd Alblas

(Digital) Organic fertile soil creator. New Physical world facilitator. Creator of tailor-made real Farmhouse experiences https://www.lebron.foundation/