[Book] The 4-hour workweek — Tim Ferriss

Stephen Jonany
4 min readApr 27, 2024


Plan unrealistic goals. Plan your projects and recovery in intense cycles. Eliminate not-so-important tasks. I also love this brainstorming prompt: “What would you do if there were no way you could fail ? If you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world ?”

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world ; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself . Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man . — GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

Notable quotes

Business is laziness. Most things make no difference . Being busy is a form of laziness — lazy thinking and indiscriminate action .

  • Slowing down doesn’t mean accomplishing less ; it means cutting out counterproductive distractions and the perception of being rushed .
  • lack of time is actually lack of priorities .

Aim for the unrealistic.

  • The reasonable man adapts himself to the world ; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself . Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man . — GEORGE BERNARD SHAW
  • Ninety — nine percent of people in the world are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things , so they aim for the mediocre . The level of competition is thus fiercest for “ realistic ” goals , paradoxically making them the most time — and energy — consuming .
  • Having an unusually large goal is an adrenaline infusion that provides the endurance to overcome the inevitable trials and tribulations that go along with any goal . Realistic goals , goals restricted to the average ambition level , are uninspiring and will only fuel you through the first or second problem , at which point you throw in the towel .
  • The question you should be asking isn’t , “ What do I want ? ” or “ What are my goals ? ” but “ What would excite me ? ”
  • What would you do if there were no way you could fail ? If you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world ?

Will I remember long enough to apply it? Information is useless if it is not applied to something important or if you will forget it before you have a chance to apply it .

  • It is imperative that you learn to ignore or redirect all information and interruptions that are irrelevant , unimportant , or unactionable .
  • Develop the habit of asking yourself , “ Will I definitely use this information for something immediate and important ? ”

Think > read. Reading , after a certain age , diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits . Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking . — ALBERT EINSTEIN

Applicable to me

Plan only unrealistic goals in monthly planning

Set time limits for everything you want to do. E.g. 1 hour. 24 hours.

No as a default. “ No ” should be your default answer to all requests . Don’t make up elaborate lies or you’ll get called on them . A simple “ I really can’t — sorry ; I’ve got too much on my plate right now ” will do as a catch — all response .

Stop chitchat. Hi , John . I’m right in the middle of something . How can I help you out ?

Ask people out. Hey this is going to sound strange, and I have to go see my friends soon, but I thought you’re really cute and I have to ask you out. If you are interested, here’s my insta. But if not, no worries, I just had to ask or I’ll regret it.

Brainstorm these

  • What would you do if there were no way you could fail ? If you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world ?
  • Are you more likely to find what you want in your current job or somewhere else ?
  • What makes you most angry about the state of the world ?
  • What are you most afraid of for the next generation , whether you have children or not ?
  • What makes you happiest in your life ? What excites you ? What makes you feel accomplished and good about yourself ? What are you most proud of having accomplished in your life ? Can you repeat this or further develop it ? How can you help others have the same ?
  • What do you enjoy sharing or experiencing with other people ?
  • consider testing new part — or full — time vocations .
  • Create two timelines — 6 months and 12 months — and list up to five things you dream of having ( including , but not limited to , material wants : house , car , clothing , etc . ) , being ( be a great cook , be fluent in Chinese , etc . ) , and doing ( visiting Thailand , tracing your roots overseas , racing ostriches , etc . ) in that order .
  • Pareto. 1 . Which 20 % of sources are causing 80 % of my problems and unhappiness ? 2 . Which 20 % of sources are resulting in 80 % of my desired outcomes and happiness ?
  • If you had a heart attack and had to work two hours per day , what would you do ?

More quotes here



Stephen Jonany

Software engineer at Snowflake ❄️. Previously at Google. Book quotes on engineering, science, productivity, life. linktr.ee/sjonany