10 Things I Learned in 2015

Jovi Jovanelly
2 min readDec 31, 2015


2015 was a huge year for my family. I learned a lot of life and work things this year. Here are the top 10 life and work things I learned:

Life Stuff

  • I’m not the most important person in my world, new daughter and wife are now.
  • I didn’t understand how wonderful it is to see a baby grow and change every day. It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it.
  • Being a mother is one of the toughest jobs I’ve ever seen. I don’t know if I could handle it.
  • Daycare is a place where germs congregate.
  • Colorado is beautiful.
  • Tri bars on my bike make riding long distances much more relaxing.
  • No car payment doesn’t mean you get off easy. Maintenance on an older Jeep adds up.
  • Meal-kit delivery services are great. I’m much better with a knife than I ever would have expected.
  • TSA Pre is a great program.
  • Star Wars is back! Both the Rebels animated series and the movie were favorites for me this year.

Work Stuff

  • Entrepreneurs don’t start with solutions, they start with problems that need solving. Customers will help come up with solutions.
  • The original mission of a startup will change many times in its infancy. Founders MUST be flexible to change.
  • Exits don’t usually pay off for the employees. It’s a shame because they do much of the heavy lifting.
  • Amazon Echo is my favorite product of the year. It’s also easy to add custom actions with AWS Lambda.
  • Wearables are great for health purposes. They are just meh for everything else.
  • Microsoft isn’t my younger self’s Microsoft anymore.
  • Docker is a big deal and so is JavaScript, again.
  • Swift is much better than Objective-C.
  • Storyboarding in Xcode makes app development much easier. Android, you must follow.
  • Functional Programming is very different from what I’m used to. I get it now. Not sure if all developers can make the switch.

Have Fun!




Jovi Jovanelly

Papa, husband, CEO/CTO @ Adattivo, CTO @ CUE, entrepreneur, software artisan