Why I Started Adattivo

Jovi Jovanelly
3 min readApr 9, 2019


At the beginning of 2019, my startup, CUE, was experiencing the same customer adoption challenges that most startups face. We had been at it three years and still had not gotten enough traction to open up venture conversations. I started thinking about what could be the next chapter in my career journey. First, I wanted to narrow down the things I’m most passionate about at this stage in my career.


One of my first true passions was coding. Since I started teaching myself BASIC on my TI-99 computer in 1983, I’ve loved solving technical problems, building algorithms, and learning new technologies. Professionally, I have been building software for almost thirty years. I’ve worked with organizations as large as NASA and as small as the three startups that I’ve founded over the last ten years, so I’ve seen all shapes and sizes of software. Coding has been the primary passion for most of my career, and I never want to get too far removed from it.


In addition to my parents, I’ve had three important mentors in my life: Bill Budwitz, Jim Crossley, and Gunjan Doshi. Each taught me the value of hard work, doing things the right way, keeping an open mind to new ideas and how to apply those teachings to others. I’ve tried to pass some of that wisdom along at past leadership positions. More recently, I’ve enjoyed mentoring both startups and students at Galvanize; a code school/co-working community founded in Colorado. The last two years as a mentor have been gratifying, and I’ve been lucky to hire several graduates and help get them on-boarded and quickly productive at both CUE and Adattivo. I love passing on my career experiences in the hopes that they might enjoy development as much as I have.


I’ve been a part of many successful startups and small companies in the last 30 years. There’s nothing like building something from scratch and watching it grow and please customers. I’ve learned to ride the waves of highs and lows that every startup experiences and I’ve developed proven startup processes thanks to the Lean Startup movement and lots of trial and error. I enjoy applying those processes to new startups to help them be more successful.

After narrowing in on the things that are important to me, the answer came quickly. I decided to start Adattivo earlier this year. We provide our clients with extra horsepower for development projects their in-house teams do not have the bandwidth to tackle. At our core, we are a technology company who uses the same proven tools and processes that I’ve used successfully in my career. We get the job done efficiently, and we deliver on what we promise. We also help our clients expand their hiring pools to include recent college and code school graduates. We on-board those developers and embed them with our teams on client projects using their internal processes and technologies. The clients have the option to hire those talented developers as they transition the projects in-house.

Please let us know if you have any technical or resourcing challenges that your company needs help solving. Adattivo was created to help you build your future!



Jovi Jovanelly

Papa, husband, CEO/CTO @ Adattivo, CTO @ CUE, entrepreneur, software artisan