A new chapter for StartingBlock: Announcement on my new role as Entrepreneur-In-Residence

Scott Resnick
4 min readFeb 8, 2017


Today is a new chapter in the history of StartingBlock. I will be transitioning into the role of Entrepreneur-In-Residence and leaving the position of Executive Director.

It was nearly five years ago when I, then a 25-year-old entrepreneur-turned-politician, pitched a crazy futuristic “entrepreneurial library” to a team of city leaders. What a five-year journey!

This center would be a resource, a piece of city infrastructure, where any entrepreneur could explore, grow and build a startup idea. By placing multiple entrepreneurs under one roof, experienced startups could mentor new ideas and create the next generation of Madison jobs. It was all about density and collisions — purposefully created intersections. Instead of watching our best and brightest leave Madison to start a new company, this space could retain the talented graduates of the University and be a beacon for innovation in the Midwest.

It took a herculean effort. Madison Gas & Electric provided seed funds to craft a project vision; the city, state and federal government all affirmed our endeavor; and American Family Insurance demonstrated the leadership & fortitude to make StartingBlock happen. By the end of the project, hundreds of individuals will either have participated as a donors, supporters, construction works, vendors, or users.

After thousands of volunteered hours, overcoming numerous roadblocks, and raising millions of dollars, I am honored to be part of the team that made that dream a reality and produced the future bedrock for Wisconsin entrepreneurs.

The mission of StartingBlock: “Dream big. Fear less. Listen deeply.” StartingBlock was a big dream. Soon, it will be a big reality for Madison and Wisconsin.

Rendering of American Family Insurance’s Spark Building, designed by EUA

My new role

Successful entrepreneurs know their strengths. In my case, it is the ability to generate, develop, and actuate upon innovative ideas. Without question, StartingBlock is a community of visionaries, entrepreneurs, bold corporate partners, creatives, and Madison believers. Like any startup, there was ideation. Abstract is now concrete, literally and figuratively. Now it is time to tackle the next community challenge and forge the next idea.

Four years ago, I sat in Ancora Coffee and pitched the concept of StartingBlock to Chandra Miller Fienen. I joked with her about the unknown commitment that it would take to build a project like this and asked her to volunteer one morning of her time. Now, years later — and hundreds of hours — later, I am so happy to announce that Chandra will be leading StartingBlock’s interim efforts as our Director of Operations. This is a moment to celebrate. She will be a spectacular leader for the project and I look forward to continuing our efforts to build the best possible city for entrepreneurs to thrive. In the next few months, the Board of Directors will commence a formal executive director search.

What’s next?

Madison, much like the rest of the United States, is at an economic crossroads. Can a midsize city rich with entrepreneurial talent create sustainable, family-supporting jobs in the 21st century? We are on the right track. The “third wave” — where corporations embrace innovation — is alive in Madison. In 2016, when most of the Midwest saw a decline in venture capital, Madison companies raised a record 114 million dollars. While some startups will exit and create wealth to share among the community, others will become the “next Epic” and create a 21st century employment base for our city.

2016 Year in Review from Capital Entrepreurs

I am excited to transition into StartingBlock’s Entrepreneur-In-Residence. This is the natural next step for me with this project as I envisioned years ago. In this capacity, I will be able to regularly interact with new entrepreneurs. I hope to leverage the abilities of non-traditional entrepreneurs and explore non-traditional models of startup creation. My responsibilities will include:

· Act as an immediate point of contact for entrepreneurs searching for mentoring and resources;

· Spearhead a council of existing entrepreneurs to improve the startup ecosystem;

· Remain a StartingBlock ambassador to organizations outside of Madison; and

· And work on “BIG IDEA” projects that “move the needle” for the City and State.

Looming for Madison and the nation is a grand question: “What is next?” We are amid a technology upheaval where the digital age will eventually replace the industrial. Artificial intelligence, big data, automation, and global capitalism will soon disrupt every industry. Our new digital frontier has the potential to be a great equalizer and bring unrivalled social prosperity. Or it could be disastrous where only the fortunate benefit.

We need a nation of innovators who dream big, fear less, and think deeply about our new frontier. Although challenges lay ahead, I hope others join me in exploring BIG IDEAS and solutions where everyone shares in the prosperity of the digital age.



Scott Resnick

COO of Hardin Design & Development; EiR of StartingBlock; innovation evangelist for Madison; former Los Pollos employee; Oceanic Flight 815 survivor