Stacey | SJS Coaching Services
Stacey | SJS Coaching Services

I'm Stacey O'Callaghan, founder of SJS Coaching Services and I help millennials find their authentic self so that they can thrive in life and work. I've spent 14 years using distinction accredited psychological techniques to empower people to own and adjust their behaviour so they can achieve their own definition of thriving.

With a background in Psychology, I have extensive knowledge in mindset and behaviour change, strategy and process optimization, communication and conflict, effective leadership techniques, and performance and business coaching. There are lots of ways that I can help you thrive, ranging from my complimentary hub full of personal development tools available to anyone who subscribes to my newsletter, through to year long one to one coaching programs. I also have a selection of low-cost, high-impact personal development workbooks available to purchase that will assist you with tackling problems such as procrastination, effective goal setting, stress management and anxiety, and a range of courses designed to teach you how to self-coach your way through life and work.

To find out more, visit my website ( or follow me on social media @sjsocoachingservices.

I look forward to welcoming you into my world and helping you make the change that matters!

Stacey | SJS Coaching Services

Stacey | SJS Coaching Services

An accredited coach and therapist who specialises in helping millennials find their authentic self so they can thrive in life and work.