Muhammad Saeed
2 min readAug 8, 2020


I am here to present my Gratitude full of love to my Grandmother for being the shining part of my life. Let’s have a short glimpse of her vital role in making up my personality.

In my early Education career, When I used to come first in exam and would receive awards/prize money so the first person whom I would like to give surprise was my Grandmother and would joyfully celebrate my achievements. She would spontaneously spread the News in family like a fire and would proudly told everyone that look my Grandson came 1st in exam. She didn’t have an education background but still she had love for education and would love to see her grandsons preparing for school early morning and wearing school Uniforms. I really feel proud inside that how strong believe and trust the Grandmother have in me that she would wait for my result announcement each year. It really gave me encouragement at every walk of my life that their is someone who is looking for you and to whom your achievements really matters.

She was very close to my heart as now and whenever I feel sick and lying on a bed helplessly I missed her. She would heel out every pain with her kind words and affection. She would recite few verses from Holly Quran and would blow on me for having early recovery. She was a pious, polite and kind hearted lady who had never kept any hatred for others inside. She always shared love towards other. I have learned a lot of things from her and she was a mentor for me.

She passed away last year and left a great void in my life which can never be filled again. I missed her at every walk of my life. She always wished that I could stood up on my feet one day and become a Government officer. I am committed and optimistic towards turning her dream into reality InshaAllah.

May her soul rest in peace and May Allah grant her high place in Jannah. Ameen


Muhammad Saeed

