Katharine Hepburn

2 min readApr 23, 2023


Katharine Hepburn was born on May 12, 1907 in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She played strong-willed women who can think for themselves and make decisions, which is exactly what she was in reality. Moreover, she did not fit the standards of beauty of those years, as well as the standards of how a Hollywood celebrity should behave.

The premiere, that brought her popularity, took place in March 1932 at the Morosco Theater in New York. The Warrior’s Husband was a success, and Hepburn’s name became famous.

She openly promoted contraceptives and supported abortion. This fact of her biography I like very much and consider this was enough groundbreaking for her time. It is also known that she preferred to wear trousers while it was fashionable for women to wear tight clothes, that is, her style was casual, which made her stand out from other women. «Katharine Hepburn wore almost no makeup, avoided giving interviews and hardly appeared in public», also an interesting detail which I liked.

“Katharine Hepburn often said in the eighties: “I have no fear of death, but I have been looking forward to this event for a long time. Death will be so beautiful — it is a sweet and eternal dream”” and this I really can relate to, as often I think the exact same way.

Katherine was one of the few celebrities in Hollywood who did not try to embellish their individuality in some way. Many considered her arrogant and quarrelsome. Public opinion quickly turned against her as a result of her refusal to accept the roles and unwritten rules of Hollywood stardom.

I believe, because she didn’t try to fit in and was herself, she influenced women and made them understand that you can be yourself and there is no need to try to fit yourself into the standards written by someone. As women have right to manage their own life by themselves.

