Chapter 1 Trading journal #23 - 02/08/09 +$116 “The first day I’m proud of”

Peter Skalon.eth
2 min readOct 11, 2022


Day overview:

  • The week was tough and it taught me a lot. It is way better to save bullets to be able to trade throughout the whole day.
  • Entries are everything.

$MLNT — $15.24 “Short the morning pops” + “Low high”

  • I Fucked up a really easy trade in hindsight.
  • Entry 2: This was my perfect entry with setup “Low High” — will need to rewatch the tape to see what I did wrong and why I got out. This was also VWAP rejection here
  • Entry 3: was fine, but instead of getting shaken out I should have readded and had more orders layered above 1.81. What a fucking picker I’m — missed really easy money here.

$SNNA +$132 “HOD rejection”

  1. Need to rewatch the tape in regard to stop losses and entries. Think how you would have done it differently
  2. The biggest missed opportunity here is consolidation after the trendline got broken. Should have added my full-size back,


Proud of my entries on this one. Although didn’t make money, but picked the right spots. Although, at one moment got gun shy and missed a Huge 50 cents drop

Read next: Chapter 1 Trading journal #24–02/11/2019 -$144 Why is it so easy to f… up the whole day?

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Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator