Chapter 1 Trading Journal # 7 - 01/14/2019 +$95

Peter Skalon.eth
3 min readOct 9, 2022


Was locked out for the day ( which is bad) I need to eliminate this kind of behavior.

  • Rule #1 — if you got stopped twice for a loss — reevaluate before a new entry.
  • Rule#2 — do not go long, unless there is a second bottom. Wait for it!
  • Rule#3 — GTFO if your “short rejection” thesis is invalidated ( especially ascending triangle). Scratch is cheaper than being down on the stock.
  • Rule#4 for morning setups — with good entries — just get stop for breakeven and re-enter. There is no need to hold through a rip.
  • Rule#5 — Do not short runners unless they are below 9EMA 1 m
  • Rule#6 Think faster with the news. Long good ones!
  • Rule#7 Watch for a higher low on 9EMA as the first sign of problems

Sense Ratio 5/14 = 28%

$ATVI first trade — was a higher low setup — completely legit here. waited for rejection and got in. Considered it as a scalp and got out for a quick gain

second trade — decided to go long, sold something into strength

Re shorted right away — got out the moment I realized it is not going down. This was a good save for me and I need to continue working on this skill.

  • Lesson Learned: If you clearly see this is not the setup you’ve been looking for — GTFO. Don’t wait and lose money. It’s better to have a scratch trade — than lose.

Trades that made sense 2/3

$FTK Shorted into PM resistance — the main mistake here was to have a really wide stop. I should have gotten out once the PM resistance was broken.

Also, my first sign to get out was higher low on 9EMA.

Trades that made sense 2/2

$CGC I should have been long here. Once the news hit the wires I should have gotten long.

Lesson Learned here:

a) go long on great news

b) do not short unless 9EMA is broke. Preferably there is a red candle on 3 min as well.

c) When your “rejection thesis” for an entry changes into ascending triangle or wedge — GTFO ( I did it well today)

Trades that made sense 2/4

  1. The first lesson here is
    - do not go long on the first bottom — Always wait for the second one.
  2. Do not have bias. and if you have it — think premarket what the scenarios that will validate or invalidate your scenario.
  3. If you got stopped out more than twice for a loss ( not a scratch) Stop and reevaluate. There will be more opportunities during the day, do not lose your chance to be in these stocks.

Trades that made sense 1/5

Read next: Chapter #1 Trading journal #8–01/15/2019 -$115


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Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator