Chapter 1 Trading journal #9- 01/16/2019 -$86

Peter Skalon.eth
4 min readOct 9, 2022


  • Every day there is this one stock — where I’m losing 50%-70%.
  • I need to concentrate not only on making profits but also on not losing.
  • Specifically, not losing on 1 ticker more than 30% of my risk. I could have and should have stayed away from UNFI — It was a clear front side, but on the news, I did not understand completely. Basically, I have thrown myself under the bus voluntarily.

Lessons Learned:

  • Record morning for the tape reading — to trade open setup I need to know what I want to see.
  • Do not lose more than 30% at the open
  • Do not lose more than 30% on a ticker
  • Create PM volume analysis to see squeezers right away
  • checklist for my setups
  • Just a checklist for what I see on price action


1 — catching the falling knife here basically.

2 — went long after bottom — fine

3- the same — fine

4 — got stopped out, bought back — fine

5- bought new high low — fine

6- catching the falling knife — not good

7 — entry after lower high — good sold into the wick

8- Shorted resistance — fine

In general here was not the bad trading, Ideally, I should have loaded up at the bottom and then just hold.

$APTX — Lost $10 — completely wrong here.

  • It was consolidation on top of the range.
  • Strong bounce afternoon with a solid ascending trend
  • Above fucking VWAP.

So, why the fuck is Short here???

$TEVA — Both times here I used the wrong stops:

A stop should have gone below the latest wick — if you do not like the stop = do not get in.

LL: Make sure to have the right stop in place and assume risk on this stop before it will get hit


1- I got long because I was expecting a break out — since it didn’t happen, I should have gotten out

2- that’s what I did here — however, It should have been a scratch trade

This was Day 2, I should have tried to stay away from the long side and just

$ABIL — Again. the problem is coming from that now I’m seeing long setups everywhere.

  • I need to be able to distinguish squeezers from not squeezers. Getting long on the shit is not my setup — just skip it and that’s it.
  • Specifically, when it is not day 1, no huge volume coming in and etc.
  • Because of the fucking longs, I missed my short setup
  • Volume Expansion, new low high,

$SNAP — should have stayed away — not my setup

$VHC Again — it was a squeezer long, not a short. Then I should have just waited for a short setup. And that’s it.

$$PCG Fine here — was long almost all the time. Following the trend.

Read next: Chapter 1 Trading Journal #10–01/17/2019 -$42


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Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator