Chapter 2 Trading journal #114–06/21/2019 +$117

Peter Skalon.eth
4 min readNov 13, 2022

Many, Many mistakes today. I was under the impression (after yesterday) that everything is going down today. What I realized is being too aggressive when I’m hitting all consolidations (like yesterday), and they just go down — this is not for me. I’m ok if they go down. I want to have the entries I anticipate, envision, and wait for. That’s it. If it goes without me, it’s ok. No FOMO.

What to work on:

  • Consolidation pattern ( CTRV) with failed long break out. Be able to identify if volume and craziness is enough to bring it up. or is this a short
  • Ascending bids do not short = Next week's goal
  • Do not short series of Lower Highs that keep going up (Weekly goal)
  • Entries. HOD entries. The brain is faster than a real-time, give it some time, no need to rush in. (Weekly goal). Have great entries. This is my main theme and what I’m working on.

CTRV +$83

#1 Was ok at this point to long on the dip, but adding on the top was not right. I already mentioned it, if buying the dips — should not be buying the tops.



Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator