Chapter 2 Trading journal #41–03/07/2019 +$76 Not the best trading. Regained some confidence.

Peter Skalon.eth
5 min readOct 29, 2022

Morning talk.

Today is a new day, a clean slate. So forget about whatever was happening yesterday or a week ago. What is important today is One Good Trade. One good Trade. And that’s the only mentality you have to have for today.

  • Slow down. Do not jump on every setup called out. Give it some time. Take a look at it. Get in sync, and understand what is happening, what could happen, and what should happen. Join.
  • Stay with your winners and follow price action, if the price tells you to cover — cover. It’s ok to re-enter.
  • No matter what — you do not react. Today should be an emotionless day. At least you should not be getting any emotions from the trading.

Positive: was not married to the stock. didn’t allow any losses higher than $20. I was able to let them go. Over trading — I was definitely feeling it. I was recognizing it. But not as good as I could have. But here is some progress.

Negative: The quality of trading decreased dramatically after 2:30. I was chasing. Shorting bottoms and etc. The only play where it’s ok to short bottoms. when 5 min and 1 min cups are setting up and risk is ok.



Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator