Chapter 2 Trading journal #48–03/18/2019 +$53, 99 Tickets, 6.5K volume

Peter Skalon.eth
3 min readOct 30, 2022


Day overview:

Mistakes to work on:

  • I have to completely eliminate fighting stocks, even if it is not a
  • Use proper stops. I was addressing this mistake the whole day, but it still exists in my trading
  • If stopped out or got out, but the setup is still valid — Get back in.


I was sticking to my winners and was holding them as long as possible


While sticking to the winners is good, I did over-trade a bit, and had some entries at the unclear spots or almost into the close. I can feel inside me that it is getting easier and easier for me to wait for my setups, and I also feel that I can skip all the bullshit setups. I just need to push a little bit harder a control myself slightly more to finally be able completely to avoid useless entries. I need to think more about my stats and win ratio.

LPTX +$61

  • Recognize when stock works for you
  • Stick with it (HOLD)
  • Get back in if shaken out ( missed the main move because of this mistake)

NIHD -$30

Failed to recognize the main subset here:

  • SSR stock. If it didn’t drop first 2–3 minutes — it won’t — look for pops
  • Too many tries with wrong stops (the third stop should have been 48) — took 3 losses.
  • Allowed too much risk ( I didn’t expect to get slipped 7 cents) or that 50K offer will go in one print. But that’s because the timing of my entry was wrong — it didn’t drop at the open and was holding.

DERM +$8

  • Waited, but didn’t use the right stop. Loss
  • Got the move, but
  • Didn’t get back on the rejection of $13 — missed $1.5 point.
  • The stock was rejecting from 12. Get in — tried to add. Took it off when saw that offers are lifting — covered some — re-added and got the trade flat
  • Failed to recognize long — My short exit was a perfect entry for the long. First, during the day 20 MA was holding the price from below. It was a very very clean setup.

DARE +$12

  • Tested mids 4 times here, more than required.
  • Should have been more diligent with my entries.

WP +$1

There was a MATA setup + tape was showing that offers are holding, but at this point, this is outside of my playbook. There is no way I can scale into these trades now. So I have to completely avoid them.

I already had almost the same trade last week. The stock was grinding all day long. It’s just not very smart to short it into the close, besides all other facts.

Read next: Chapter 2 Trading journal #49–03/19/2019 +$47, 125 Tickets, 8K volume “Bias should never exist in the trade.”


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Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator