Chapter 2 Trading journal #83 — 05/08/2019 +$10

Peter Skalon.eth
4 min readNov 7, 2022


Trading overview:

Tough day for me. A day of missed opportunities. I did not take the entries I was watching closely, just because I did not want to rush in and I wanted to give a stock time to set up. And all the adds I took, all reversed against me.

The biggest flaw I had today — I did not hold. I was covering for 1:2 or 1:3 risk-reward, but I was missing out on so much more. Tomorrow I will be fucking holding. Yesterday I got into the chop and was super concentrated on the entries.

  • Hold

BURG +$27

#1 when it broke low and reclaimed it in the end — I should have gotten out for the half I had left — just to lock in all the gains.

ATAI +$15

55 was soaking — but the spread would open up and don’t give me any fills. So I hit the bid.

I Allowed myself to get shaken out and missed the real move.

AKRX +$10

They flushed 70K offer — so I basically doubled up in 42s — thinking it will go down now. Instead, the offer was canceled, and VWAP was holding — so I got out for what I had left. Missed the main move

$SUNW +$6

First entry — volume was not there. It did only 200K shares, so I took a starter against 97 level from Yesterday. after the move — no one was hitting the offers — so I decided to re-add — And got stopped out immediately — spread opened up to 7 cents.

$MBRX +$1

Flipped down — I was sitting on Exchanges trying to cover, as soon as it flipped up — I tried to cover on the bid again — nope — got out on the mids.

WKHS -$22

The stock per se is outside of my playbook — what I’m noticing recently — the stocks that are not low floats a lot of times have different algos I’m not used to. Perhaps the better idea would have been to paper trade it.

ATIS -$28

The first entry was complete of the tape — it felt as 50s were holding. Should have been an avoid for me. Although risk/reward was there — the probability of going in my favor was not in place.

Was setting up as a MATA. The only two setups at this point were either to get short against and as close as possible to $2.90 or use a tight stop at the 2.63 area.

Read next: Chapter 2 Trading journal #84–05/09/2019 -$48

Read main Chapter 2. “Peter, you have to start putting green days on”

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Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator