Chapter 2 Trading journals #120–07/02/2019 +$25 (0R)

Peter Skalon.eth
3 min readNov 13, 2022

Made a mistake today coming into the open. Decided to dial down on being aggressive, which was ok for consolidations I was not hitting today because I was waiting for a pop. But it was completely not ok for my main morning watches. Because of being super cautious, I didn’t hit $AEMD and $EROS. These were my main watches at the open, and not taking these setups was a really big and unacceptable mistake.

What to work on:

  • Outside of the open, I need to keep working on being patient with my entries to ensure that my risk is aligned against the best possible level.
  • Need to know what I’m waiting for, what I want to see, and what’s my risk level. This is what works for me, whenever I’m starting to just react — I suck. Big time. Stock manages me. Makes me take actions I did not plan. Like today and many other days, I should always keep my thinking process going to avoid this reactionary mode like yesterday.

AMRN +$32

Not my niche (B) > just a quick scalp

EROS +$31



Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator