Chapter 3 Trading journal #138–07/31/2019 +$59 (Stocks 2R, 2 broken rules)

Peter Skalon.eth
2 min readJan 17, 2023

Main mistake:

  • anticipation entry

Feeling like the shitiest trader ever. $PG and $AMZN happened to be the stocks with almost the best earnings reports. Both options trade turned into losses right away and the possibility to take $500 loss by Friday was quite real. Right before the FOMC meeting, AAPL and PG unwinded big time, so I got a chance to close my trades for a small win/ break even. And I took this opportunity. Right after the FOMC meeting, shit hit the fan, and I would have been able to make $500 easy and have the biggest day so far. At this point, this feels like a huge fucking loss, my frustration is through the roof, but I still do believe this was the right decision. I’m extremely pissed off now.

NAK is the other reason for frustration, I got stopped out twice on the front side, while I could have just waited for the backside.

NAK +$103

Broke rule here — shorting C chart ( on the way up)

Broke rule 2: The entry was in anticipation. This kind of entry. Only acceptable for momentum after exhaustion.



Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator