Design Patterns in Software Engineering

Chamith Sadeepa Kulathunga
27 min readAug 28, 2023



In software engineering, design patterns are standardized solutions to recurring design problems that software developers face during the development process. These patterns capture proven practices, strategies, and architectural structures that have evolved over time to address common challenges in software design. Design patterns provide a common vocabulary and framework for developers to communicate, share, and apply solutions to specific problems.

Design patterns are not actual code snippets or libraries, but rather high-level templates that outline the structure and interactions of components within a software system. They facilitate the creation of software that is more modular, maintainable, and extensible by promoting well-defined architectures and design principles.

The concept of design patterns was popularized by the book “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software,” written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides (often referred to as the “Gang of Four” or GoF). This seminal work introduced 23 foundational design patterns, categorized into creational, structural, and behavioral patterns.

Type of design patterns

Design patterns are typically categorized into three main types based on their purpose and scope: creational, structural, and behavioral. Each type of design pattern addresses different aspects of software design and development.

1 . Creational Design patterns

Creational patterns deal with object creation mechanisms, providing ways to create objects while abstracting the process of how these objects are instantiated. They focus on ensuring that object creation is flexible, efficient, and appropriate for the system’s requirements.

Common creational patterns include:

  • Singleton Pattern
  • Factory Method Pattern
  • Abstract Factory Pattern
  • Builder Pattern
  • Prototype Pattern
  • Singleton Pattern

Ensure a class has only one instance and provide a global point of access to that instance.

There are cases where having multiple instances of a class is unnecessary or even problematic. For instance, a configuration manager or a logging service should ideally have only one instance throughout the application to maintain consistency. The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a way to access that instance globally.


  • Global Access: The Singleton instance is accessible from anywhere in the application.
  • Consistent Instance: Ensures that only one instance of the class exists, maintaining consistency.
  • Resource Management: Useful for managing resources like database connections or configuration settings.


  • Thread Safety: In a multithreaded environment, special attention is needed to ensure thread-safe instance creation.
  • Testing: Singleton instances can make unit testing more complex due to their global state.
  • Global State: Overusing the Singleton pattern can introduce global state, which might make the system harder to understand and maintain.


  • Eager Initialization: Creating the instance at class loading time (before it’s needed).
  • Thread-Safe Singleton: Ensuring thread safety during instance creation, often using synchronization.
  • Bill Pugh Singleton: Utilizing a nested inner class for lazy initialization.

Real-world Example:

A Singleton pattern could be used in a logging service. There should be only one instance of the logger to ensure consistent logging throughout the application, regardless of where the logs are generated.

The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has a single instance, which can help manage global resources, configuration settings, or actions that should be controlled centrally within a software system.

  • Factory Method Pattern

Define an interface for creating objects in a super class, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate.

In some cases, a class may need to create instances of other classes, but it might not know the exact type of object to create until runtime. Additionally, the exact subclass to instantiate might vary based on specific conditions or configurations. Rather than hardcoding object creation in the class, the Factory Method Pattern allows the decision of which subclass to instantiate to be deferred to subclasses.


  • Flexibility: Allows adding new products or variants without modifying existing code.
  • Encapsulation: Encapsulates object creation within subclasses, keeping client code unaware of concrete classes.
  • Open/Closed Principle: Supports the open/closed principle, making it easy to extend without modifying existing code.

Considerations :

  • Complexity: Introduces additional classes and may be overkill for simple cases.
  • Increased Abstraction: Can make code harder to understand due to the additional layer of abstraction.

The Factory Method Pattern is particularly useful when the creation of objects involves a degree of uncertainty or variation, enabling a more flexible and extensible design.

  • Abstract Factory Pattern

The Abstract Factory Pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. It enables clients to create objects without needing to know the specific classes of the objects they’re creating. This pattern enhances the flexibility and extensibility of a system by encapsulating object creation and ensuring that objects within a family are designed to work together seamlessly.

In software systems, there are scenarios where related objects must be created together and should be compatible with each other. The challenge is to ensure that these objects are created consistently and according to a certain configuration. The Abstract Factory Pattern addresses this by defining interfaces for families of objects and letting concrete implementations of those interfaces provide the actual object instances.


  • Family Consistency: The objects created by a factory are designed to work together, ensuring compatibility.
  • Easy Switching: By changing the factory, you can switch between families of objects.
  • Encapsulation: Client code remains decoupled from the specific classes of objects.


  • Complexity: Introducing an abstract factory might add complexity, especially for systems with a limited number of product families.
  • Scalability: Adding new products or variations could require changes to the factory interface and implementations.

Real-world Example:

In a graphical user interface (GUI) library, an abstract factory can be used to create GUI elements like buttons, text fields, and windows in a consistent style. Different implementations of the abstract factory could provide these elements in different visual themes (e.g., “dark mode” vs. “light mode”).

  • Builder Pattern

Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation, allowing the same construction process to create different representations.

In some scenarios, constructing complex objects directly using a constructor with numerous parameters can lead to confusion and error-prone code. The Builder pattern addresses this issue by encapsulating the construction process and abstracting the creation of various parts of an object.


  • Separation of Concerns: The construction logic is separated from the complex object’s representation.
  • Flexibility: Different builders can create variations of the complex object.
  • Readability: The client code becomes more readable and comprehensible.


  • Overhead: The Builder pattern introduces additional complexity compared to directly constructing objects.
  • Applicability: It’s most useful when creating complex objects with multiple attributes and configurations.

Real-world Example:

In a document editing application, the Builder pattern could be used to construct different types of documents (like letters, reports, presentations) with varying content, styles, and formatting.

The Builder Pattern allows developers to create complex objects step by step, abstracting the construction process and making the code more maintainable and adaptable to changes.

  • Prototype Pattern

The Prototype Pattern involves creating new objects by copying an existing object, called a prototype. This avoids the overhead of creating objects from scratch and allows for the creation of new instances with different properties while maintaining a common structure.

In some scenarios, creating new instances of objects can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. The Prototype Pattern addresses this by providing a mechanism to clone existing objects and modify them as needed, rather than creating entirely new objects.


  • Efficient Object Creation: Avoids the overhead of creating new objects by cloning existing ones.
  • Customizable Copies: Allows modifying the cloned object’s properties without affecting the original.


  • Deep vs. Shallow Copy: Cloning can involve deep or shallow copies, depending on whether internal objects should be copied as well.
  • Prototypes Need to Be Clonable: The prototype objects need to implement the cloning method.

Example: Consider a game where you have different characters with varying attributes. Instead of creating new characters from scratch, you can use the Prototype Pattern to clone an existing character and modify specific attributes (e.g., weapons, appearance) as needed.

Real-world Analogy:

Think of a cookie cutter. The cookie cutter serves as a prototype, and you can create multiple cookies with the same shape by using it. Similarly, the Prototype Pattern lets you create instances with similar structures by copying a prototype.

2. Structural Design patterns

Structural patterns focus on the composition of classes and objects to form larger structures, while ensuring that the system remains flexible and efficient. These patterns help in defining relationships between objects and managing their interactions.

Common structural patterns include:

  • Adapter Pattern
  • Bridge Pattern
  • Composite Pattern
  • Decorator Pattern
  • Facade Pattern
  • Flyweight Pattern
  • Proxy Pattern
  • Adapter Pattern

Convert the interface of a class into another interface that clients expect. The Adapter Pattern allows classes with incompatible interfaces to work together.

Sometimes, different components or classes have interfaces that are incompatible or don’t match. Rather than modifying existing classes to fit a new interface, which might not be feasible or practical, the Adapter Pattern provides an intermediary class that translates requests between the incompatible interfaces.


  • Reusable Components: Adapters can be reused to make different classes with incompatible interfaces work together.
  • Separation of Concerns: The client code doesn’t need to know the specifics of adapting the interfaces; this responsibility lies with the adapter.


  • Complexity: Adding too many layers of adapters can lead to increased complexity in the code.
  • Performance: Adapters might introduce a slight overhead due to translation between interfaces.

Real-world Example: The Adapter Pattern can be seen in scenarios where legacy systems need to be integrated with modern systems, allowing them to work together without having to change the existing codebase. For instance, adapting an old printer driver to work with a new operating system’s print framework.

  • Bridge Pattern

Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.

In software design, you might encounter situations where you need to manage multiple dimensions of variation. For instance, consider a drawing application that has different shapes and rendering platforms (e.g., Windows and Linux). A naive approach might involve creating subclasses for every combination of shape and platform, leading to a proliferation of classes. The Bridge Pattern addresses this by separating the abstraction (shape) from its implementation (rendering).


  • Decoupling: The Bridge Pattern promotes loose coupling between abstractions and their implementations, allowing them to evolve independently.
  • Extensibility: It simplifies adding new abstractions and implementations without modifying existing code.
  • Flexibility: The pattern accommodates various combinations of abstractions and implementations.


  • Complexity: The Bridge Pattern introduces additional classes and complexity, which might not be suitable for simpler scenarios.
  • Trade-offs: While it reduces coupling, it can lead to a higher number of classes in the system.

Real-world Example:

The Bridge Pattern could be used in a drawing application where different shapes need to be drawn on different platforms (e.g., screen, printer, web). The Bridge Pattern would help in decoupling the shapes from the rendering platforms, allowing changes in one dimension to have minimal impact on the other.

  • Composite Pattern

Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Clients can treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.

In some systems, objects can be composed into larger structures that exhibit a part-whole relationship. For example, in a graphical user interface, a user interface element (leaf) can be a button or a text box, while a composite user interface (node) can be a panel that contains multiple buttons and text boxes.


  • Uniform Treatment: The pattern allows treating individual objects and compositions uniformly.
  • Complex Hierarchies: It simplifies working with complex part-whole hierarchies.
  • Flexible Structures: The composite structure can be easily extended to add new components.


  • Limited Type Safety: The Component interface might need to expose methods that are not relevant to all subclasses.
  • Extra Complexity: In simple scenarios, the Composite Pattern can introduce unnecessary complexity.

Real-world Example:

A document editor might use the Composite Pattern, where a document can contain paragraphs (leaves) and sections (composites), forming a hierarchical structure that allows consistent operations on individual components and their compositions.

The Composite Pattern facilitates the creation and manipulation of tree-like structures, providing a way to manage complex relationships between objects while maintaining a consistent interface for clients.

  • Decorator Pattern

Attach additional responsibilities to objects dynamically by providing a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.

In software development, it’s often desirable to add new features or behaviors to individual objects without modifying their existing code. Subclassing can lead to a class explosion and complex inheritance hierarchies. The Decorator Pattern addresses this issue by allowing behavior to be added incrementally using composition rather than inheritance.


  • Flexibility: Decorators can be combined in various ways, allowing for flexible and dynamic behavior composition.
  • Open/Closed Principle: You can extend functionality without modifying existing code.
  • Single Responsibility Principle: Each decorator focuses on a single concern, making the code more modular.


  • Complexity: Overuse of decorators can lead to a complex system with many small classes.
  • Order of Wrapping: The order in which decorators are applied can affect the final behavior.

Real-world Example:

In GUI frameworks, the decorator pattern can be used to add various visual effects or behaviors to graphical components like buttons or windows.

The Decorator Pattern exemplifies how structural design patterns provide a mechanism for adding functionality to objects while maintaining flexibility and minimizing class explosion.

  • Facade Pattern

Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem, making it easier to use and reducing the complexity of interactions between client code and the subsystem.

In complex systems, there might be numerous classes and components that need to be coordinated and interacted with to achieve a specific task. This can lead to convoluted and hard-to-maintain code. The Facade pattern addresses this by providing a simplified, higher-level interface that encapsulates the underlying complexity.


  • Simplified Interface: Facade provides a simple and clear interface, abstracting the complexity of the underlying subsystem.
  • Reduced Coupling: Client code is decoupled from the detailed implementations of subsystem components.
  • Easier Maintenance: Changes in the subsystem can be isolated within the facade, minimizing impact on client code.
  • Enhanced Readability: Facade encapsulates complex interactions, making the codebase more understandable.


  • While Facade simplifies interactions, it’s important to strike a balance between encapsulation and the need for direct access to certain subsystem components.
  • It’s crucial to design the facade interface well to avoid bloating it with unnecessary methods.

Real-world Example:

In web development, a Facade can be used to abstract complex interactions with various APIs and services, providing a unified interface for client-side code to interact with the backend services.

The Facade Pattern is particularly beneficial when dealing with complex systems or libraries, as it helps in managing interactions, improving maintainability, and enhancing the clarity of client code.

  • Flyweight Pattern

Use sharing to support a large number of fine-grained objects efficiently.

In certain scenarios, the application may require creating a large number of objects with similar characteristics. Storing identical data for each object can lead to excessive memory consumption. The Flyweight Pattern addresses this issue by dividing an object’s properties into intrinsic and extrinsic states. The intrinsic state is shared among similar objects, while the extrinsic state is unique to each object.

Implementation: Let’s take an example of a text editor that needs to display a large number of characters on the screen. Instead of creating a separate object for each character, the Flyweight Pattern would create a shared instance for each unique character, and the editor would maintain a data structure to map characters to their respective flyweights.

Example: Suppose we’re creating a document editor that needs to display various formatted characters. The character formatting (font, size, color) can be considered intrinsic state shared among multiple characters. The position of the character on the screen is extrinsic state unique to each character.

In this example, the Flyweight Pattern would create a shared instance for each unique character formatting and reuse it across the document. When rendering the characters on the screen, the editor would provide the specific position (extrinsic state) for each character.


  • Reduced memory usage: By sharing intrinsic state, memory consumption is optimized.
  • Improved performance: Reusing shared flyweights reduces object creation overhead.
  • Enhanced flexibility: New types of characters can be easily added without modifying the existing flyweights.


  • Careful management of intrinsic and extrinsic states is necessary.
  • Trade-off between memory optimization and complexity of managing shared state.

Real-world Example:

Text editors, graphic design software, and computer games often use the Flyweight Pattern to manage the rendering of large amounts of data efficiently, such as characters, textures, or graphical elements.

The Flyweight Pattern showcases how a focus on shared state can significantly improve the performance and memory usage of applications dealing with a vast number of similar objects.

  • Proxy Pattern

Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.

In some situations, direct access to an object might not be feasible or appropriate due to reasons like resource-intensiveness, security, or the need for additional functionality. The Proxy Pattern introduces a proxy object that acts as an intermediary, controlling access to the real object.


  • Lazy Initialization: The RealSubject is only created when it’s actually needed, saving resources.
  • Access Control: The Proxy can implement access control mechanisms, restricting access to the RealSubject.
  • Remote Proxy: The Proxy can represent an object in a different address space, useful in distributed systems.


  • Overhead: Introducing a Proxy may add some overhead due to the additional layer of indirection.
  • Complexity: Depending on the use case, introducing a Proxy might increase the complexity of the system.

Real-world Example:

Consider a virtual proxy for loading large images in a document viewer. Instead of loading the high-resolution image immediately, the proxy could load a lower-resolution image first and then replace it with the actual image once it’s required. This improves the user experience by reducing loading times.

The Proxy Pattern demonstrates how structural design patterns facilitate the management of object interactions and access control, providing flexibility in managing object creation and usage.

3. Behavioral Design patterns

Behavioral patterns address the interactions and responsibilities among objects, emphasizing how objects collaborate and communicate to achieve specific tasks. These patterns enhance the flexibility and efficiency of object interactions. Common behavioral patterns include:

  • Chain of Responsibility Pattern
  • Command Pattern
  • Interpreter Pattern
  • Iterator Pattern
  • Mediator Pattern
  • Memento Pattern
  • Observer Pattern
  • State Pattern
  • Strategy Pattern
  • Template Method Pattern
  • Visitor Pattern
  • Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until an object handles it or the end of the chain is reached.

In some scenarios, there can be a series of processing steps or tasks that need to be performed on a request. Rather than hardcoding the sequence of steps or having a single monolithic handler, the Chain of Responsibility pattern allows for the creation of a flexible, dynamic chain of handlers.

Usage: The Chain of Responsibility pattern is useful when you have a sequence of processing steps that can be dynamically configured and when the order of processing steps can vary.


  • Decoupling: It separates the sender from the receiver, reducing dependencies between objects.
  • Flexibility: New handlers can be added to the chain without modifying existing code.
  • Reusability: Handlers can be reused in different chains or contexts.


  • Handling Guarantee: Ensure that at least one handler can handle the request to avoid situations where the request isn’t processed.

Real-world Example:

An example scenario could be an approval process in an organization, where different managers have different levels of authority. The Chain of Responsibility pattern allows a request to be passed along the hierarchy of managers until it’s approved or denied.

The Chain of Responsibility pattern facilitates the creation of flexible and dynamic workflows where the responsibility for handling a request can be easily adjusted or extended.

  • Command Pattern

Convert a request or simple operation into an object, allowing for parameterization, queuing, and logging of requests, and promoting loose coupling between sender and receiver.

In software systems, it’s often necessary to separate the request for an action from the actual execution of that action. The Command Pattern achieves this separation by encapsulating requests as objects, allowing them to be treated as first-class entities.


  • Decoupling: Command decouples the sender and receiver, as the sender doesn’t need to know anything about the receiver’s interface.
  • Flexibility: Commands can be easily composed and parameterized to perform complex actions.
  • Undo/Redo: Command objects can be stored, allowing for undo and redo operations.
  • Queueing: Commands can be queued and executed in a specific order.


  • Increased Complexity: Implementing commands as objects might introduce additional classes and complexity.

Real-world Example:

In graphical user interfaces, the Command Pattern can be used to implement undo/redo functionality. Each user action (like drawing a shape or moving an object) is encapsulated as a command, allowing for easy undoing and redoing of actions.

The Command Pattern illustrates how behavioral design patterns facilitate communication between objects in a flexible and encapsulated manner, promoting separation of concerns and ease of managing complex interactions.

  • Interpreter Pattern

Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses this representation to interpret sentences in the language.

In some applications, you might need to process or evaluate expressions, scripts, or rules that can be represented as a language. The Interpreter Pattern provides a way to define the grammar of this language and create interpreters that can evaluate or process expressions based on the grammar.


  • Modularity: Expressions are encapsulated in separate classes, promoting modularity.
  • Extensibility: New expressions can be easily added without altering existing code.
  • Customization: Different interpretations can be achieved by composing expressions differently.
  • Complex Rule Handling: Useful for handling complex business rules or domain-specific languages.


  • Complexity: The pattern might lead to a proliferation of classes for complex languages.
  • Performance: Overusing the pattern for simple expressions can introduce unnecessary overhead.

Real-world Example:

Suppose you’re building a programming language interpreter. The Interpreter Pattern could be employed to parse and evaluate the language’s syntax and semantics, allowing you to execute the code written in that language.

The Interpreter Pattern illustrates how behavioral design patterns address the interactions between objects, especially when dealing with complex rules or languages that need interpretation or evaluation.

  • Iterator Pattern

Provide a way to access elements of a collection sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.

In software development, you often need to traverse or iterate through the elements of a collection (e.g., an array, list, or tree). However, exposing the internal structure of the collection to the client code can lead to tight coupling and make the code more difficult to maintain and extend. The Iterator Pattern addresses this by encapsulating the iteration logic in a separate iterator object.


  • Decouples Code: The Iterator Pattern separates the client code from the collection’s internal structure, reducing coupling.
  • Flexibility: You can have multiple iterators for the same collection, each with different traversal logic.
  • Single Responsibility Principle: The pattern promotes single responsibility by encapsulating iteration logic in separate classes.
  • Efficiency: The client code can iterate over elements without needing to know the collection’s details.


  • The Iterator Pattern might introduce some overhead due to the additional iterator objects.

Real-world Example:

The Iterator Pattern is widely used in programming languages’ built-in iterators, allowing easy traversal of arrays, lists, maps, and other data structures without exposing their implementation details.

  • Mediator Pattern

Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. It promotes loose coupling by centralizing communication between objects through a mediator rather than having objects communicate directly with each other.

In a complex system, the interactions between objects can become intricate and tightly coupled. Direct communication between objects can lead to code that’s hard to maintain and modify. The Mediator pattern addresses this issue by introducing a mediator object that acts as an intermediary, facilitating communication and reducing the dependencies between objects.


  • Decoupling: The Mediator pattern reduces direct dependencies between objects, making the system more maintainable and adaptable.
  • Centralized Control: Communication logic is centralized in the mediator, simplifying control over interactions.
  • Flexibility: Adding new colleagues or modifying communication behavior is easier due to the centralized nature of mediation.


  • Complexity: The mediator itself can become complex if handling a large number of colleagues and interactions.
  • Balancing Act: While promoting decoupling, it can also lead to overly powerful mediators that handle too much responsibility.

Real-world Example:

An air traffic control system can be seen as a mediator between aircraft. Instead of each aircraft communicating directly with others, they communicate through the central air traffic control system, promoting safer and more organized airspace management.

The Mediator pattern is particularly useful when dealing with systems that involve multiple interacting objects, and it helps avoid the complexities of direct communication between them.

  • Memento Pattern

The Memento Pattern allows you to capture the internal state of an object without exposing its internal structure. This state can be stored externally and later restored to the object, effectively enabling the object to revert to a previous state.

In some scenarios, you might need to implement “undo” functionality or save and restore an object’s state without exposing the details of the object’s internal structure. The Memento Pattern facilitates this by providing a way to encapsulate and store an object’s state in a separate memento object.


  • Isolation of State: The originator’s internal state is encapsulated and not exposed.
  • Undo/Redo Functionality: Enables the implementation of undo and redo mechanisms.
  • Snapshot Support: Allows capturing and restoring snapshots of an object’s state.


  • Memory Usage: Storing multiple mementos might consume memory, especially for large objects.
  • Access Control: The memento should be accessible only to the originator.

Real-world Example:

The Memento Pattern can be used in text editors to implement “undo” functionality. Each time a user makes a change, a memento containing the editor’s state is created and stored in the history. When the user wants to undo, the editor’s state is restored from the most recent memento.

  • Observer Pattern

Define a dependency between objects so that when one object changes its state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.

In software systems, there often exists a need for objects to communicate and respond to changes in the state of other objects. However, hard-coding these dependencies can lead to tight coupling and maintenance challenges. The Observer Pattern addresses this by establishing a clear separation between the subjects (objects being observed) and the observers (objects that need to react to changes).


  • Loose Coupling: Subjects and observers are decoupled, allowing changes in one to not directly affect the other.
  • Dynamic Relationships: New observers can be added or existing ones can be removed without modifying the subject.
  • Broadcasting: A single change in the subject can notify multiple observers.


  • Order of Notifications: The order in which observers are notified can impact the system behavior.
  • Memory Management: Care must be taken to detach observers when they’re no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

Real-world Example:

An example of the Observer Pattern is a weather station where multiple display elements (observers) are interested in receiving updates when the weather data (subject) changes. Whenever the weather data changes (e.g., temperature or humidity), all the display elements are automatically updated to reflect the new values.

In summary, the Observer Pattern promotes a flexible and decoupled way for objects to react to changes in the state of other objects. It’s particularly useful in scenarios where multiple objects need to stay synchronized without being tightly coupled.

  • State Pattern

Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.

In some cases, an object’s behavior needs to change based on its internal state. Using conditional statements for each state can lead to complex and hard-to-maintain code. The State Pattern addresses this by encapsulating each state as an object and allowing the object to switch between these states as needed.


  • Clean Code: States are encapsulated, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.
  • Flexibility: Adding new states is relatively easy, as it involves creating new ConcreteState classes.
  • Reduced Conditionals: State transitions are managed within state classes, reducing conditional statements in the context class.


  • Complexity: For simple systems with a limited number of states, the State Pattern might introduce unnecessary complexity.
  • Memory Usage: If there are many state objects, memory usage can increase.

Real-world Example:

A traffic light system could use the State Pattern. Each color (red, yellow, green) represents a state, and the traffic light transitions between these states based on predefined rules (time intervals, sensor inputs).

The State Pattern enables more modular and maintainable code by separating different behaviors into distinct state classes, promoting a more structured approach to handling object behavior changes.

  • Strategy Pattern

Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.

In software development, there are situations where multiple algorithms can be applied to solve a problem, and the choice of algorithm can change at runtime or depending on specific context. Rather than embedding multiple algorithms directly into the client code, the Strategy Pattern suggests encapsulating each algorithm in a separate class and making these algorithms interchangeable.


  • Separation of Concerns: Algorithms are isolated from the client code, promoting better organization.
  • Flexible Configuration: Strategies can be swapped without modifying the context or client code.
  • Reusable Code: Strategies can be reused across different contexts.


  • Increased Complexity: The number of strategy classes can increase complexity, especially for small-scale projects.
  • Client Responsibility: The client is responsible for selecting and providing the appropriate strategy.

Real-world Example:

The Strategy Pattern is frequently used in computer games, where different strategies (such as attacking, defending, or fleeing) can be applied to characters based on the game’s state or player’s decisions.

In summary, the Strategy Pattern allows for dynamic selection and switching of algorithms or strategies, promoting flexibility and maintainability in software design.

  • Template Method Pattern

Define the structure of an algorithm in a base class, allowing subclasses to provide specific implementations for certain steps of the algorithm.

Often, you encounter algorithms that follow a consistent sequence of steps, but some of these steps might vary in their implementations. Instead of duplicating the common steps across subclasses, the Template Method Pattern promotes code reuse by encapsulating the shared steps in a base class and allowing subclasses to customize the varying steps.


  • Code Reuse: Common steps of the algorithm are encapsulated in the base class, avoiding duplication across subclasses.
  • Consistency: The template method enforces a consistent algorithm structure across subclasses.
  • Customization: Subclasses can provide specific implementations for the customizable steps.


  • Inversion of Control: The pattern requires that subclasses adhere to the predefined structure, which might limit flexibility.
  • Complexity: The pattern might introduce additional complexity, especially when dealing with numerous variations in the algorithm.

Real-world Example:

A template method pattern can be applied in a process like building different types of reports. The common steps such as data retrieval, formatting, and rendering can be encapsulated in the base class, while subclasses handle the specific report content and formatting details.

The Template Method Pattern promotes consistency and reusability while allowing for customization, making it a valuable tool in scenarios where algorithms share a common structure but have varying implementations.

  • Visitor Pattern

Represent an operation to be performed on elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.

In many software systems, there are structures composed of various types of objects. These structures may support multiple operations that are specific to each element type. Adding new operations often requires modifying the existing classes, violating the Open/Closed Principle. The Visitor Pattern addresses this issue by separating the operations from the elements on which they operate.

Implementation Steps:

  • Define the Visitor interface with a visit method for each concrete element.
  • Create concrete visitor classes that implement the Visitor interface and define the behavior for each element.
  • Define the Element interface with an accept method that takes a visitor as a parameter.
  • Create concrete element classes that implement the Element interface and provide implementations for the accept method.
  • Create an ObjectStructure class to hold the collection of elements and provide a method for elements to accept a visitor.
  • Use the visitor to perform operations on the elements without modifying their classes.


Consider a document editor application with different types of elements: TextElement and ImageElement. We want to implement a spell-checking feature. Instead of modifying the classes of TextElement and ImageElement, we can use the Visitor Pattern:

  • Define the Visitor interface with a visitTextElement and visitImageElement method.
  • Create concrete visitor classes like SpellCheckerVisitor that implements the Visitor interface with specific spell-checking behavior for each element type.
  • Define the Element interface with an accept method that takes a Visitor parameter.
  • Create concrete element classes, TextElement and ImageElement, that implement the Element interface and provide implementations for the accept method.
  • Implement the accept method in each concrete element to call the appropriate visit method on the visitor.
  • Create an ObjectStructure class to hold a collection of elements and provide a method for elements to accept a visitor.

Now, the spell-checking behavior can be added without modifying the TextElement and ImageElement classes. The SpellCheckerVisitor can visit each element and perform the required spell-checking operation.


  • Separation of concerns: Operations are isolated from the elements they operate on.
  • Extensibility: New operations can be added without modifying existing element classes.
  • Consistency: Operations can be implemented uniformly across different element types.


  • Can lead to increased complexity due to the introduction of multiple interfaces and classes.

Real-world Example:

Visitor Pattern is commonly used in parsing and compilation scenarios. For example, a compiler’s syntax tree can have different types of nodes, and different visitors can perform type checking, code generation, and optimization operations on those nodes without modifying the node classes themselves.

Advantage of Design Patterns

  • Reusability: Design patterns encapsulate proven solutions to common problems. By reusing these solutions, developers avoid reinventing the wheel and can create more efficient and reliable software.
  • Modularity: Design patterns promote modular and organized code. Each pattern addresses a specific concern, allowing developers to focus on individual components without being overwhelmed by the entire system.
  • Scalability: Patterns provide structures that can be scaled to accommodate changes and growth in a system. This adaptability is crucial as software requirements evolve over time.
  • Maintainability: Design patterns often lead to cleaner and more understandable code. When developers adhere to established patterns, it becomes easier to maintain, debug, and extend the software.
  • Consistency: Patterns promote consistent approaches to solving specific problems. This consistency enhances collaboration among developers, as everyone follows a common set of guidelines.
  • Performance: Some design patterns, such as the Flyweight pattern, optimize resource usage by sharing objects or data. This can lead to improved performance and reduced memory consumption.
  • Communication: Design patterns provide a shared vocabulary for developers to discuss and communicate design decisions. This improves understanding among team members and stakeholders.
  • Best Practices: Design patterns embody best practices that have evolved over time. By following these established practices, developers can avoid common pitfalls and pitfalls in software development.
  • Flexibility: Many design patterns enhance the flexibility of a system. For example, the Strategy pattern allows interchangeable algorithms, enabling the system to adapt to different scenarios.
  • Isolation of Concerns: Patterns encourage the separation of concerns in a system. Each pattern focuses on a specific aspect of the design, making it easier to manage complexity.
  • Cross-Domain Knowledge: Learning and understanding design patterns provide developers with a broader perspective on software design. This knowledge can be applied across various projects and domains.
  • Design Evolution: Design patterns offer solutions to recurring design problems. By leveraging these solutions, developers can focus on innovative aspects of their design, leading to more creative and effective solutions.
  • Documentation: Patterns often come with well-documented explanations and examples. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for both experienced and novice developers.
  • Reduced Risk: Design patterns are tried-and-tested solutions. By incorporating them into the design, developers reduce the risk of making design decisions that might lead to unforeseen issues.

Disadvantage of Design Patterns

  • Overengineering: Applying design patterns when they aren’t necessary can lead to unnecessary complexity in the codebase. This is often referred to as “overengineering,” where patterns are used just for the sake of using them, leading to convoluted solutions that are harder to understand and maintain.
  • Learning Curve: Some design patterns may have a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are new to them. This can slow down the development process initially and require additional time for team members to grasp the concepts and implementations.
  • Increased Complexity: While design patterns aim to improve code organization, they can also introduce additional layers of abstraction, which can sometimes make the code more complex and harder to follow, especially for those unfamiliar with the patterns being used.
  • Misapplication: Choosing the wrong design pattern for a particular problem can lead to a mismatch between the pattern and the problem’s requirements, resulting in a solution that’s less effective or even counterproductive.
  • Performance Impact: In some cases, design patterns can introduce a slight performance overhead due to the additional layers of abstraction and indirection they introduce. However, the impact is usually negligible and depends on the specific implementation.
  • Maintenance Challenges: Over time, as software systems evolve, maintaining code that heavily relies on design patterns can become challenging. Changes to one part of the code may have unexpected effects on other parts due to the intricate interactions introduced by the patterns.
  • Documentation and Communication: Properly documenting and communicating the use of design patterns within a development team is essential. If team members are not familiar with the patterns being used, it can hinder collaboration and lead to confusion.
  • Limited Context: Not all software projects require or benefit from design patterns. Smaller or less complex projects might find using design patterns to be an unnecessary overhead.
  • Patternitis: Some developers might fall into the trap of “patternitis,” where they try to apply as many design patterns as possible to a project, leading to an overly complex and convoluted architecture.
  • Restrictions: In some cases, design patterns might impose restrictions on how a system is designed, which can lead to inflexibility if the requirements change significantly.

Benefits of Design Patterns

  • Reusable Solutions: Design patterns encapsulate proven solutions to recurring problems. By using these patterns, developers can reuse successful approaches in various projects, saving time and effort.
  • Scalability: Design patterns promote flexible and scalable architectures. They help in building systems that can easily accommodate changes and additions as the project evolves.
  • Maintainability: Applying design patterns leads to more organized and modular code. This makes maintenance, debugging, and updates easier, reducing the likelihood of introducing errors.
  • Best Practices: Design patterns embody industry best practices and proven solutions. Incorporating these practices into your codebase improves the overall quality of the software.
  • Abstraction and Encapsulation: Patterns encourage the separation of concerns, leading to more modular code. This abstraction and encapsulation make code more understandable and maintainable.
  • Communication: Design patterns provide a common vocabulary for developers to discuss and share design decisions. This simplifies communication within development teams.
  • Documentation: Patterns serve as documented solutions to specific problems. This documentation is valuable for new team members or for revisiting design decisions after some time.
  • Reduced Risk: Using established design patterns reduces the risk of making design mistakes or implementing suboptimal solutions.
  • Performance: Certain design patterns, like the Flyweight pattern, optimize memory usage by sharing resources among objects, resulting in improved performance.
  • Flexibility: Design patterns promote loose coupling between components. This makes it easier to replace or extend parts of the system without affecting other parts.
  • Testability: Modular and structured code resulting from design patterns is often easier to test. Each component can be tested independently, leading to more reliable software.
  • Easier Debugging: Design patterns often lead to well-defined and predictable code structures, which simplifies the debugging process.
  • Adherence to Design Principles: Many design patterns align with important software design principles, such as the Single Responsibility Principle or the Open/Closed Principle.
  • Evolution of Knowledge: Design patterns represent distilled knowledge from experienced developers and experts. They encapsulate years of collective experience in a usable form.
  • Consistency: Patterns help ensure consistency in design and implementation, especially in large projects with multiple developers.


Design patterns emerge as the cornerstone of effective software engineering, imparting solutions to recurrent challenges and cultivating adherence to best practices. Through their integration into software design, developers pave the way for the creation of maintainable, scalable, and efficient software systems. Grasping the distinct types of design patterns and comprehending their practical applications empowers developers to make informed design choices and elevate their prowess in the realm of software development. As software engineering advances, the enduring relevance of design patterns remains an essential beacon guiding the evolution of technology.

