What is Bigger Than an Elephant?

SK CryptoK
6 min readAug 2, 2022


Photo by High Tea With Elephants on Unsplash

The markets are down, uncertainty looms within, yet you know deep down…bear markets are where future millionaires are made. Your mind wonders, constantly searching for the “next big thing,” and just as you’re about to add money to some unknown project, trumpets sound off, drums pound wildly while the ground rumbles beneath your feet. What’s going on all of a sudden? What was it that you just felt and heard?


It’s easy to get caught up chasing the latest hype train of new projects popping up, but it is important to revisit solid plays of the past, especially ones that are rebounding, still thriving, and still standing after an exploit that would have knocked out 95% of any other successful project…amongst a DeFi sea where 95% of projects sink anyways.

You’re witnessing survival of the fittest, and what doesn’t kill this elephant, makes it stronger.

Remember that monumental and gravity-defying price action you witnessed on the charts this past February and March of 2022? That supply shock mechanic that only this protocol can uniquely perform? Yeah, it’s coming again so might want to strengthen your bags… but we’ll talk more about that in a minute.

While we wait for the Elephant Treasury (BERTHA) to rebuild, the TRUNK peg is on the move in the latest raffle’s final form after having roped in the missing piece to the puzzle, cheap PancakeSwap (PCS) TRUNK. Not only is it easier to enter than ever before, but the lossless raffle awards are larger too, and increasing.

TRUNK Bottomed at $0.21 and is Now on the Up and Up

Pay attention since these are some of the final days to scoop up cheap ELEPHANT and TRUNK tokens before this train leaves the station. The figures above and below show TRUNK’s price performance and raffle stats in the last 11 days since July 21st, 2022.

Raffle Stats Increasing — Awards, Participants, and Hype (LFG!)

These raffles are exciting since there are 2 winners per day. One is random, and the other is for Max Depositor. Let’s imagine you purchased $5,000 worth of TRUNK on PCS, at $0.33/TRUNK you’d get 15,151 TRUNK tokens. If you then decided to bond those tokens, you could be leader of the daily Max Depositor raffle unless somebody “snipes” your position to take the lead. Your daily deposits are cumulative, so feel free to snipe back to regain the top spot before the timer ends.

While whales fight for Max Depositor above, even minnows can take their chances at the cheaper random raffle. There are 3 ways to enter the Stampede raffle:

  • Mint $5 BUSD into TRUNK (on-site)
  • Bond 5 Trunk into Stampede (rolling or deposit). On PancakeSwap for $0.33/TRUNK this costs only $1.65 plus gas fees
  • Approximately $60 purchase of elephant token on-site

What About Supply Shock?

While the new raffle restores peg directly in the short term, the community can celebrate daily life-changing TRUNK gains up until the ultimate goal for peg support; BERTHA.

For those worried about TRUNK peg, just stop. It’s too soon for all that nonsense during a recovery period after the Elephant Treasury was robbed. People who want to sell their TRUNK now are simply removing liabilities from the system, which is healthier overall and gives us a cheaper buying position. Buy TRUNK for $0.33 and gain 300% when redeemed at $1 in the future, and that doesn’t even factor compounding.

So…for those who wish to sell? BYE, FELICIA!

Everything becomes fixed once the Elephant Treasury is squeezing elephant token price through the roof. This exponential value growth will not only perform easier daily buy-backs of TRUNK/BUSD to support peg, but will pay any and all stampede debts at peg. The parabolic value of ELEPHANT translates to less ELEPHANT being sold off to pay for the above.

BERTHA is in BLUE, as it Grows, ELEPHANT Value Skyrockets in RED

Community member, Dedalus, created the fantastic charting tool above with DUNE analytics (click here) and shows pre and post exploit levels of BERTHA (blue) at 212 trillion and 85.3 trillion tokens, respectively. BERTHA has moved from 64 trillion to 85.3 trillion these recent months, and so long as it keeps moving up and to the right, the ELEPHANT value (red) will supply shock inevitably. Everbody who wished for a cheaper ELEPHANT during the first run-up now has another chance. History will repeat itself, minus the exploit (if concerned, buy Elephant Money insurance here).

What some people fail to understand is that elephant and the inevitable supply shock is paramount to the success of the ecosystem at large.

There are more holders of ELEPHANT now than before, so supply shock can actually happen much sooner than the previously witnessed BERTHA levels of 175–200 trillion tokens. I cannot predict what level it needs to be, but it will be sooner than anybody realizes in the opinion of Bankteller

See for Yourself

Regardless, as the elephant treasury moves towards crazy heights of 300 trillion and above, your current ELEPHANT value today will easily 50x-100x, conservatively…the shear AMOUNT of protocol owned liquidity, in addition to Graveyard’s 500 trillion and PCS liquidity, will not leave us with a low valued elephant price. It is mathematically impossible.

ELEPHANT token will amass so much value exponentially higher than stampede debt owed, it can literally look over and spit on Stampede and pay the debt owed AT PEG without flinching. That’s the innovation here. That IS the model and the backbone to everything.

And there you have it…so

What is bigger than an elephant? The HERD

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Please be sure to follow me, clap, comment, and share around. Stay safe out there, stay blessed, and make good choices with your crypto.

P.S. Happy Birthday Bankteller and thank you for your nonstop work ethic to create one of, if not, the greatest financial vehicle yet. Enjoy your vacation and take care. The community appreciates you, and we will hold down the fort and keep the hype alive.

Thanks for the latest breadcrumbs to what’s around the corner for Elephant money.

See? NONSTOP Development. This Man is a Machine

For more information about the raffle above, please watch my YouTube video

Referral Addresses:

My Elephant Money HERD Address (TRUNK ROI Dapp on BSC): elephant.money 0x058C08A7E90572dA987EF5fEFA9eb1510A70c6cc
Join above for for a bonus 0.5% on your rolls and deposits, and airdrop opportunities if you’re also in my telegram group.

FURIO Referral (FUR ROI Dapp on BSC): https://app.furio.io?ref=0x058C08A7E90572dA987EF5fEFA9eb1510A70c6cc

DRIP Referral (DRIP ROI Dapp on BSC): drip.community/faucet?buddy=0x240EB9F6CfACF5fE0072F2Cc80f661083744032A

Social Media:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/skcryptok
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SK_CryptoK
Telegram: DM @ https://t.me/SK_CryptoK
Join my Telegram group @ https://t.me/+bThkwgazs0A2ZjYx
Odysee | Watch-2-Earn: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@SK_CryptoK:3

Please do your own research and take this information with a grain of salt. The content of this article is solely the author’s opinion and is not that of a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The author does not guarantee any particular outcome.

