Can I apply for Canadian citizenship after 3 years

2 min readJan 17, 2024


Can I apply for Canadian citizenship after 3 years
Can I apply for Canadian citizenship after 3 years

If you’ve been living in Canada for three years and are wondering about the possibility of becoming a Canadian Citizenship Eligibility, you’re in the right place. Citizenship is a big step, and it’s natural to have questions.

Residency Requirements

To apply for Canadian citizenship, you need to meet certain residency requirements. Generally, you must have been physically present in Canada for at least 1,095 days (or three years) out of the last five years before applying. This means you need to have spent a significant amount of time in the country during this period.

Understanding Physical Presence

Physical presence refers to the time you spend in Canada, whether it’s for work, study, or simply enjoying life in the Great White North. However, not all days spent in Canada count equally. Each day you spent in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person before becoming a permanent resident counts as a half-day, up to a maximum of 365 days.

Permanent Resident Status

Before applying for Canadian citizenship, you must first become a permanent resident. Permanent residency is a significant step in the immigration process, and you’ll need to have lived in Canada as a permanent resident for at least 1,095 days within the five years preceding your citizenship application.

Applying for Canadian Citizenship

Once you meet the residency requirements, you can submit your application for Canadian citizenship. The application process involves completing the necessary forms, gathering supporting documents, and paying the required fees. Be sure to double-check the application requirements to avoid any delays.

Language and Knowledge Test

To become a Canadian citizen, you’ll need to demonstrate your proficiency in English or French and your knowledge of Canada. This typically involves taking a language test and a citizenship test. The language test assesses your ability to communicate in either English or French, while the citizenship test evaluates your knowledge of Canadian history, values, institutions, symbols, and more.

Waiting for Citizenship Decision

After submitting your application, you’ll need to wait for a decision. Citizenship and Immigration Canada will review your application and notify you of the outcome. This process may take several months, so be patient and stay informed about the status of your application.


Becoming a Canadian Citizenship Eligibility after three years is possible if you meet the residency requirements and successfully complete the application process. It’s an exciting journey that allows you to fully participate in the Canadian community. Remember to follow the guidelines, stay informed, and soon enough, you could be proudly calling yourself a Canadian citizen.




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