If parallel universe really exists, I hope the other me can pursue her dream university

3 min read5 days ago
PUPCET Result (2024)

I always find myself overthinking. About everything. What could have been, what might be, and all the infinite possibilities in between. Would you laugh at me if I wish that parallel universe do exist? It’s scary, but also a comforting idea to me. The thought that somewhere out there, there’s someone living the same but different life as me — like a different version of reality.

I hope another me is living with the things I can’t give to her. The happiness, the opportunities, the freedom to explore her passions — perhaps she’s experiencing all of it. In a parallel universe, she’s cherishing the moments I only imagined, surrounded by friends I never met and adventures I missed out on.

If parallel universe really exists, I hope the other me can pursue her dream university. Maybe, in that universe, she’s walking through the arch gates, feeling the excitement in the air, and knowing she’s finally where she’s meant to be. I imagine her eyes sparkling with excitement as she dives into her chosen field of study — Journalism. Perhaps the passion for writing in her heart continues to grow, fueled by the desire to be the voice of the voiceless. Imagining all of this feels like a part of me is living that dream, even if it’s not in this world.

At some point, I think we all wanted to become someone that our younger selves always dreamed about being. And then we grew up and realized that these dreams are not free. It takes a lot of things to sacrifice — like dealing with financial constraints that weigh heavy on our hearts. Life is not fair for everybody. It’s hard not to compare, wondering why some sail smoothly while others constantly battle against the tide.

After all, that’s life. It’s not my fault my family couldn’t send me to my dream university, nor theirs, because they too have parents who couldn’t support them. It’s a cycle of circumstances that sometimes feels overwhelming. And I want to break that cycle. We can break it — to create my own path, to defy the odds, and to carve out a future where my dreams become realities.

To my PUP, I’m sorry that for now, I couldn’t pursue you. Someday, I hope to walk through your gates, to learn and grow in ways I’ve always imagined. I will hold onto the belief that with perseverance and determination, I will make my way to you, ready to embrace all you have to offer.

For now, all I want is for the other me in a parallel universe to be happy. Thinking of her makes me feel that my dreams are not entirely gone, but realized by someone else who is still a part of me. It’s a bittersweet comfort, knowing that even if I can’t have it all, another me might be happy pursuing my dream course and university.

I am contented knowing that somewhere, she might be living out the life I once yearned for.

