one monday, you’ll find yourself asking someone’s favorite color again

2 min readAug 14, 2024


invisible string

“You haven’t met all the people you will love and all the people who will love you.”

Time flies so fast. I was just a high school student back then, and now, here I am, walking through the campus of a big university, feeling like a stranger in a sea of new faces. It’s exciting, but it’s colder than I thought it would be.

Because I know that I will see myself again, just as I was before, I’m certain I’ll witness her meeting new people, asking what their favorite colors are, and threading her way through this new chapter of life with the same curious heart.

It’s exhausting to start over again.

You find yourself asking for names, figuring out what hobbies they have, what they want to become, what passion drives them, and finally learning their favorite colors. It feels like a never-ending cycle of getting close to people, just to lose them again.

The emptiness of the people who leave still lingers in me like the scent of a past perfume they wore.

You’ll be in the middle of campus, and you’ll spot a stranger wearing a shade of blue you were once tied to someone who’s no longer around. You’ll smile, trying to remember those memories, but they’ll be gone as quickly as they came.

Maybe it’s their eyes you remember, or the way they laughed at a joke you forgot. Or maybe it’s just a habit that clings to you like an old cardigan, worn thin from too many years of comfort.

It’s funny, isn’t it? How college is supposed to be about finding yourself, but sometimes it feels like you’re just losing pieces of yourself to everyone who walks away.

But maybe this is really what life is, and we can’t do anything about it.

You’ll meet others who, in their own way, fill the gaps left by those who went. They won’t replace the ones you’ve lost, but they’ll carve out new spaces in your heart, each one a different shade of the rainbow you’ve been collecting.

It’s okay to keep asking for favorite colors, even if the answers keep changing. Because in the end, it’s not just about remembering the colors of those who left, but loving the ones who are yet to come.

So, let the memories be bittersweet, like the last rays of the setting sun.

There will be new Mondays, new people, and new colors. And one day, you’ll look back and see that the spectrum of your life has been richer for every color that’s come and gone.

“My favorite color is pink. What’s yours?”

