ZClassic — The Countdown Continues

Skellers Zclassic-CE
2 min readFeb 17, 2019


The more observant visitors to the ZClassic 2 telegram group may have picked up on the fact that something’s happening in the next week or so. An indication that something’s afoot is suggested when you type “/sapling” into the message bar — this returns a thing that gives you a countdown in Days/Hours/Minutes.

countdown to sapling activation at blockheight 476969

So what is this countdown?

Well, first of all, the above numbers are only an example — to get the correct figures you’ll need to head over to ZClassic 2 and type in /sapling for the current countdown figures.

At a pre-defined blockheight 476969 (which we estimate should occur around 9pm 24th Feb UTC) the network upgrade, named sapling, will activate. We’re reaching out to everyone who is running a full-node to upgrade to the latest release 2.0.3 which can be found at the GitHub repo, ZclassicCommunity/zclassic.

Is Bittrex supporting this update?

This is a question we’ve been asked numerous times and I can confirm that Bittrex is fully supportive of this update and has already upgraded to the version given in the link above, in preparation for the switch to sapling.

And a reminder as to why we’re doing this…

Zcash have disclosed a vulnerability that has the potential to allow someone (with the appropriate knowledge) to effectively create unlimited coins — it’s imperative that such a vulnerability is removed from ZClassic as soon as possible and ensure that any possibility to act maliciously in response to such a disclosure is nullified.

Steps to update a node…

  1. Download and compile the software as per instructions before the activation blockheight, or grab the pre-compiled binaries from here
  2. Gracefully stop the current node and replace with the version you’ve just downloaded (note that this new version more correctly builds a binary named zclassicd so you may need to rename or adjust accordingly, depending on how you have your environment currently set up)
  3. Start the new (v2.0.3) node
  4. To ensure that sapling activates seamlessly we strongly encourage you to ensure this procedure is carried out prior to the sapling activation block at 476969

Note that any user software will need to support sapling to ensure continuity after the activation height.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss this update further, feel free to contact us in the Telegram group, ZClassic 2 or Discord, ZClassic 2

Many thanks


On behalf of the ZClassic Community and ZClassic CE

