I Wish it Were 1978, Just For One Day


Photo by Giovanni Ribeiro on Unsplash

I love social media. Twitter in particular.

As a matter of fact, my day starts with the microblogging platform as my first point of reference to what has occurred between the six (if I’m lucky) hours since I lay my head upon the pillow and drifted off into a restless, blue-light sleep.

What hashtags are trending?

What happened during the night (or morning, depending on the place in the world where other “Tweeps” happen to be scrolling their timelines), I ask myself.

With FOMO in full swing, I scan for the latest updates.


Nothing too life-altering.

Of course there are the requisite news items, references to the latest Kimye activities and hashtags that I’m too old to really understand.

Nothing to see here, people. Move along now.

Yet I can’t.

Ditto for Instagram and Facebook which both come in at a close second and third, respectively.

These too are my destinations of choice not long after I open my bleary eyes each morning. Mindlessly scrolling through my friends’ various updates: pictures of their kids, their vacations and their meals, I “Like” more status updates and Instagram pictures than I can remember. Because…



Samantha Kemp-Jackson
Parenting Tales From the Trenches

Writer, Media Commentator and overall opinionated individual. I live in the past A. Lot. Follow me on Substack: LivingInThePast.Substack.Com