What is career development?

6 min readAug 10, 2022


Career development is not a topic that many people know much about, but it’s something that all people should be aware of and take part in. This guide will help you understand what career development is why it’s important and how to create a career development plan that fits your life goals.

What is Career Development?

Career development is a crucial stage in one’s work-life that can be described as a process of self-discovery and planning. It includes obtaining knowledge about what you want to do, exploring various options available, and making well-informed decisions by defining goals. Overall, this process should help you take control over your career path to ensure success.

In the modern era where employees have been changing jobs frequently due to intense competition or dwindling opportunities in their field, having a career strategy becomes an important prerequisite for not only enhancing performance at work but also for optimizing personal growth opportunities. In other words, even if you don’t know what you want to do or aspire for — identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and preferred working conditions — will become critical towards achieving success.

Conversely, if you have been struggling to make a decision with regards to your career path — it’s time for some introspection and analysis of what is stopping you from moving forward. But first, we need to understand why is career development so important and how we can develop a plan for success!

Why is Career Development Important?


Career development is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for young people in their twenties. It can mean the difference between living a good quality of life doing something you enjoy and struggling to get by or even worse.

I believe that this is why career development is so important. a good example of this is if you were to become a doctor without planning for it whatsoever. You would have no idea of the sacrifices that are made in order to be a good doctor, nor do you know about all of the schooling and training involved after college.

Career development plans help people learn more about their options when they graduate from high school and college. These plans also help people keep track of the different things they want to do and what it will take to get them there.

In my opinion, career development is very important because it takes a lot of work and dedication in order to become successful at what you love doing. I believe that learning more about the process of becoming a doctor would prepare people better for all they need to go through after high school or college graduation. A good plan will help you stay on track to achieve your goals.

How to develop a career development plan?

Career development plans are a way of thinking about what you want to do, why you want to do it, and how you’ll get there. It’s not something that happens overnight.

In order to develop a career development plan, you should start by deciding what your career goals are. Next, you should come up with a list of skills and experience that will help you achieve these goals. Then think about the steps it will take to get there, both in terms of schooling or training and work experience.

Finally, think about what the timeline is for achieving these goals and make a list of specific things that will help you stay on track.

Steps for developing a successful career development plan

Decide what your career goals are.

Deciding what your career goals are is the first step to developing a successful career development plan.

What do you want to be when you grow up? When it comes down to it, that’s the question that shapes every other decision in life. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out at high school or have been working for decades. What matters is what kind of work makes your heart sing and brings meaning into your life.

Come up with a list of skills and experience that will help you achieve these goals.

Most people know what their skills are, but it can be helpful to spend some time thinking about them and updating the list if necessary. Have you learned any new skills that will help you in your career? When was the last time you took a class or seminar that helped you learn something new? What do you know about how to do well that others might not be able to do as well?

It can also be helpful to use your experience in your career to come up with a list of skills. For example, if you’ve worked in retail for the past few years, take a look at what you’ve learned along the way! Many retailers have opportunities for training and development — did any of these training sessions teach you anything useful? then use it!

Think about the steps it will take to get there, both in terms of schooling or training and work experience.

Getting the correct schooling or training and work experience can be a great way to achieve your career goals.

What kind of schooling or training do you need that will help you get where you want to go? What is the timeline for completing this type of education? Will it take several months, years, or even longer before you’re finally able to reach those long-term goals and dreams? answering some of these questions will help you determine the work experience that will be most helpful to you during this process.

Common career development pitfalls and how to avoid them?

Career development pitfalls are one thing that nobody wants to deal with or experience. Quite simply, they’re getting in the way of your success and hindering your progress. Any mistakes you make when it comes to career development can be devastating for your future prospects.

The best way to avoid these common pitfalls is by putting in the right amount of time and effort beforehand when it comes to researching what you want, setting up a plan with actionable steps, and checking in with yourself on how you’re progressing through the process.


If you’re asking what is career development, it can be defined as a process of discovering and implementing the steps necessary to achieve your goals.

This may sound simple on paper but in reality, this process can take up more than just one lifetime!

The best way to avoid common pitfalls when it comes to developing your career plan is by taking time for self-reflection before making any decisions about where you want to go next with your life; researching what other people have done that has been successful, and getting advice from others who know how hard it really is.

You should also make sure that while putting in all this work into finding success through determining what exactly makes you happy and then set out an actionable plan with achievable milestones along the way I hoped that this article has helped you understand what exactly is a career development and why it’s an important step for you to take in order to be more successful.





Skillabilly is a blog that focuses on personal development skills for success in today’s world.