What is SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)?

3 min readMar 1, 2023


SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is a communication protocol used to send and receive email messages over the internet. It is the standard protocol for email transmission, and almost all email clients and servers support it. In this article, we will discuss about what is SMTP, how it works, and its importance in the world of email communication.

What is SMTP?

SMTP is a communication protocol used to transmit email messages between email servers and clients. It is a text-based protocol that uses TCP port 25 by default. SMTP is responsible for delivering email messages from the sender’s email client to the recipient’s email server. It also ensures that the recipient’s email server is authorized to receive the message, and if not, the message is returned to the sender.

History of SMTP

SMTP was first defined in RFC 821 in 1982 by Jon Postel. The original SMTP specification was designed to operate over TCP port 25 and was intended for use on the ARPANET, a predecessor to the internet. Since its creation, SMTP has undergone several revisions and updates, including the introduction of Extended SMTP (ESMTP) in 1985, which added new features and capabilities to the protocol.

How SMTP Works?

How SMTP Works

SMTP works on a client-server model, where the sender’s email client acts as the SMTP client, and the recipient’s email server acts as the SMTP server. When a user sends an email message, the email client establishes a connection to the SMTP server using port 25. The client then sends the message to the server, which checks the recipient’s email address and performs various checks to ensure the message’s validity.

Once the message is accepted, the SMTP server forwards it to the next server in the email’s delivery chain. This process continues until the message reaches the recipient’s email server. The recipient’s server then stores the message in the recipient’s mailbox, where the recipient can access it using their email client.

SMTP Authentication

SMTP authentication is a process where the sender’s email client provides login credentials to the SMTP server to verify the sender’s identity. This process is crucial for preventing spam and unauthorized access to email servers. Without authentication, anyone could send emails from any email client, and email servers would have no way to verify the sender’s identity.

SMTP supports several authentication methods, including Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS). These methods provide secure communication between the sender’s email client and the recipient’s email server.

SMTP vs. IMAP vs. POP3

SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 are three different protocols used in email communication. While SMTP is responsible for sending email messages between servers and clients, IMAP and POP3 are used to retrieve email messages from a server.

IMAP, or Internet Message Access Protocol, is a protocol used to retrieve email messages from a server. It allows users to access their email messages from multiple devices and email clients. IMAP also supports advanced features like folder management, message flagging, and server-side search.

POP3, or Post Office Protocol version 3, is another protocol used to retrieve email messages from a server. Unlike IMAP, POP3 downloads email messages from the server to the client’s device. This means that once the email is downloaded, it is no longer available on the server. POP3 is mainly used by users who access their email from a single device and do not require advanced email management features.


SMTP is the standard protocol used to send email messages over the internet. It is a reliable and efficient protocol that ensures email messages are delivered to their intended recipients. SMTP authentication is a crucial process that helps prevent spam and unauthorized access to email servers. While SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 are all different protocols used in email communication, they work together to provide a seamless email experience for users.

Hope you understood what is SMTP, how it works, and its importance in the world of email communication.

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