Mastering Leverage for Business Success — Alex Hormozi

3 min readJun 16, 2024


Who is Alex Hormozi?

Alex Hormozi, a 32-year-old entrepreneur, has garnered a significant following with 2.4 million YouTube subscribers. Starting his career in his early twenties, he expanded his gym business across multiple locations and later launched Gym Launch, an educational program in partnership with Click Funnels, to teach gym management. Additionally, he founded Prestige Labs, a supplement company, and a marketing firm. Through these ventures, Alex achieved annual revenues of $70–80 million. After selling two of his companies for $46 million and earning $72 million over five years, Alex shares his business insights through various platforms, including YouTube.

Key Takeaways

  • Leverage: Utilizing resources beyond your immediate control to maximize output.
  • Types of Leverage: Money, people, media, and technology.
  • Effective Strategies: Hiring, outsourcing, media utilization, and automation.
  • Growth through Efficiency: Constantly review and improve processes to enhance productivity.

1. Understanding Leverage and Its Importance in Business

Leverage is about using resources other than your own to achieve greater results with less effort. High leverage means significant outcomes from minimal input, while low leverage results in small gains despite considerable effort.

Example of Leverage

Consider working all day at a fast-food restaurant for a low wage. This scenario represents low leverage. Conversely, closing a million-dollar deal with a few phone calls is high leverage. The goal is to maximize results with minimal effort, redefining work to focus on output rather than input.

Types of Leverage

  1. People: Hiring employees or outsourcing tasks to experts allows you to focus on high-value activities. Even customers can be leveraged through reviews and word-of-mouth marketing.
  2. Media: Utilizing social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok can reach a broad audience with minimal effort. Long-form content like newsletters and podcasts build trust and engagement.
  3. Technology: Automation and software tools enhance efficiency. For example, chatbots in e-commerce handle customer queries 24/7, and software can scale operations without additional costs.

2. Applying Leverage in Early Business Stages

Initially, entrepreneurs need to work hard to generate revenue and build a sustainable environment. This involves multitasking and ensuring that every team member performs beyond their basic roles to create a self-sustaining growth cycle.

Example of Team Leverage

When a startup hires its first employee, the founder should delegate routine tasks to focus on higher-value activities. This cycle continues with each new hire, progressively increasing the company’s overall productivity and growth.

3. Measuring Performance for Continuous Improvement

Regular performance reviews are crucial for identifying inefficiencies and optimizing processes. The best companies review their performance frequently, with top performers even checking progress hourly to stay aligned with their goals.

4. Enhancing Personal Productivity

Start your day without checking your phone immediately. Use the first 30 minutes for activities like meditation or journaling to set a positive tone for the day. Break your day into three six-hour segments to focus on work, relationships, and recharging.

Leveraging Relationships

Surround yourself with people who are more advanced than you. Their influence can significantly impact your growth and success. This applies to both personal and professional settings, fostering an environment where everyone’s level rises through collaboration and shared expertise.


Alex Hormozi’s insights on leverage highlight the importance of using available resources efficiently to maximize output. From hiring and outsourcing to utilizing media and technology, these strategies can transform a business. Regular performance reviews and leveraging relationships further enhance growth, leading to sustainable success.

Editors Note: This article was written with reference to the author’s original content.

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