Apply Natural Skin Care Products To Enhance Your Beauty

Dr. Paul Olsovsky
4 min readJan 6, 2017


Better skin quality is guaranteed.

The agony of skin problems are felt by many all around the world.

Research has shown that natural skin care products are more effective and less harmful to the skin as compared to chemical-induced skin products.

One should always use natural but only certified and approved Skin essentials products to avoid the harsh side effects caused due to these types of products.

Results are not everything one should care about; long term benefits should be the only goal.

Claims and Results

There are multiple claims endorsed by skin care brands but all are not true. There are several conditions mentioned which clearly mean that it depends on the skin type i.e. all the claims are just attractions and it is rare for it to come true completely, as everyone has different type of skin and a single product cannot cater to all the types of skin.

Natural skin care brands aim to achieve a better skin tone and texture without the use of harmful chemicals.

Essential Skin Care Products and natural skin care products include the following:

· Makeup

· Toner

· Moisturizer

· Soaps and shampoos

· Hair care products

· Cleaner

· And various other products which help in rejuvenating the quality of the skin in the long run.

Why Think Twice Before Choosing a Product?

Skin care products shall always be chosen carefully because the skin is exposed to it, which might lead to pretty adverse side effects such as:

· Skin cancer

· Spots and rashes

· Itching

· Skin Dryness

· Allergies and infections

It has been proven than products that are applied on the skin, hamper the quality of the skin which leads to dryness, aging and at times, complete destruction of the skin texture.

These products are used to enhance the beauty of the skin: to make it shiny, bright and look healthy. Instead, it makes the skin unhealthy and addicted to that product. It sure does look healthier, but does not stay like that without it.

There are products which really make the skin better e.g. sunscreen lotions which protect the skin from the UV rays of the sunlight and does not let it burn, shampoos which help in clearing dandruff and dust from hair, milk creams which removes dryness and itching from the skin et-cetera .

Need for Essential Skin Care Products

Skin is the 5th sense of the body which needs proper care on a regular basis. Just like the best products are preferred for the other four senses i.e. hearing, seeing, hearing and smelling, the fifth sense needs as much care as possible.

The skin is affected due to external and internal factors due to which it requires skin care products which can mend the damage done by these factors. These two factors can be explained as follows:

External Factors- This includes the factors which can be controlled by the individual to a certain extent, such as:

· Medications: There are medicines which cause skin damaging as side effects like increasing the dryness, oiliness, itching of the skin and acne or pimples on the skin. These effects are normally temporary but often lead to permanent defects.

· Water (Washing) and Cosmetics: It refers to the bathing and skin products’ preference of the individual like cold baths, makeup products, hot baths, shampoos/conditioners and creams/lotions et-cetera. Overuse or abuse leads to side effects and skin tampering.

· Weather Conditions/ Weather Change: Weather changes affect the skin’s reaction to other factors which might be beneficial for some and result in side effects for some. Sudden changes usually lead to skin damaging. The skin does not accept change quickly and reacts badly to weather changes. Skin reactions largely depend on the person’s skin type and there is no thumb rule for any side effects.

Internal Factors- These factors are not in the hands of the individual, but are inherited or developed in his lifetime, such as:

· Hormones: At specific ages, hormonal changes take place inside the body. These changes regulate the reactions due to these factors. At times, it makes the skin oily while at other times; it makes the skin dry, depending upon the person’s anatomy and external factors.

· Genes: The amount of natural lipids depends on the genes of the person i.e. it is inherited and depends on the family background. It defines the reactions caused due to other factors.

Benefits of Natural Skin Care Products

Natural and organic products are preferred over other products even though they are way more expensive because of the various benefits that it offers, such as:

· Devoid of toxic chemicals

· Protects the skin

· UV protection

· GMO- free products

· Treat hyper-pigmentation and inflammation

· Eco-friendly, both in manufacturing and disposal

· Makes the individual look younger

· No internal issues as these products enter the bloodstream and travel through the whole body.

· No toxic smells

· Prevents skin Dryness and irritation

· Improves quality, complexion, texture and tone of the skin.


One should always notice and monitor the effects of these skin products. It not only saves the person from adverse side effects, but also makes the skin better in the long run. Choose carefully and always take care of your skin.

Always prefer natural skin care products over toxic products without worrying about the price because health is always more important than money.



Dr. Paul Olsovsky

“Dr. Paul Olsovsky” is an Optometry Specialist in Tillamook, Oregon. He graduated with honors from University Of Houston. Visit :