Instructions for working with the SkinCoin.Trade exchange platform

How to make money on the difference of the course of in-game items
5 min readMay 24, 2018

What is is an online platform for making profit of the rate movements between in-game items in CS:GO, DOTA 2, PUBG. You can exchange items for each other or exchange them for a universal game cryptocurrency SKIN (Skincoin), which has its own rate and is traded on cryptocurrency exchanges (

What is Skincoin

SKIN (Skincoin) is the first universal gaming cryptocurrency created for trading in-game items and for payments on websites. You can find more detailed information on the official website —

How to exchange in-game items in CS:GO, Dota 2

1. Sign in to the site through your Steam profile.

2. To make the first exchange you need to put your Steam Trade Link in the set menu (you can find your Steam Trade Link here

3. Well done! Now you can make your first exchange!

All exchanges on the take place through the universal cryptocurrency SKIN (SkinCoin).

The first thing you need to do is to exchange an item from your inventory for SKIN tokens.

How to exchange in-game items into SKIN cryptocurrency

The easiest way to get SKIN tokens in is to exchange in-game items for SKIN tokens in a couple of clicks.

You can also buy SKIN tokens directly on cryptocurrency exchanges, but it will take some time (Instructions — How to buy SKIN tokens on the HitBTC exchange platform). We recommend you to start with a simple exchange of game items for SKIN tokens.

Go to the “SELL” tab and select one or more items from your inventory to exchange for SKIN tokens. After that you’ll see how many SKIN tokens you can get for the exchange.

The exchange will take place immediately, and your balance will be credited as soon as you confirm the transfer of items in your steamcommunity profile and Steam Mobile Authenticator (Mobile Steam Guard). Once your balance is refilled — you can go to the “BUY” menu and choose any other desired item with a similar value or lower.

What can I do with my SKIN tokens?

SKIN token is a fully decentralized payment method, which you can use as you want at any time of the day or night! SKIN tokens are universal for all websites and can be used on any partner website who has already started accepting payment in SKIN tokens.

You can:

  • send SKIN tokens to your friends in any quantities. At the moment the cost of any transaction is ~$0.05
  • withdraw and keep SKIN tokens in your personal wallet (yes, it is a real digital asset, which also grows over time). Instructions how to create your wallet and transfer your SKIN tokens (here).
  • send SKIN tokens from one website to another without having to convert them into in-game items and back every time you want to play on another site.
  • earn money on SKIN tokens exchange on BTC (Bitcoin) or ETH (Ethereum) cryptocurrency exchanges. SKIN tokens are traded on cryptocurrency exchanges for six months already and the turnover of trades is growing every month.

Money-making scheme on the exchange of in-game items for the SKIN tokens

For successful work on the exchange platform you will need several useful services:

· — convenient service of comparing the cost of in-game items on different trading floors and exchange services. The site provides complete and up-to-date information about all prices for in-game items from the

There is a very simple and working scheme of earnings

Course of SKIN tokens is set on the platform, so the website takes in-game items.

On the Coinmarketcap website you can see the price of the SKIN tokens on the cryptocurrency exchanges.

1. If a course of SKIN tokens on LOWER than the rate of SKIN tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges, sell your items immediately and get more SKIN tokens for them > quickly transfer them to the cryptocurrency exchange and change to BTC (Bitcoin)

2. If a course of SKIN tokens on is HIGHER than the rate of SKIN tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges, buy SKIN tokens immediately on the cryptocurrency exchange. After that you can buy in-game items at a good rate.

While working on you can come up with your own earning schemes that will work for a very long time.

If you find the article useful and interesting give it your like! We wish you a good trading!

Skincoin team

