The Role of Topical Skin Adhesives in Wound Repair

3 min readJul 12, 2023

Wound care has been highly emphasized in recent years, with more introduction and advancement of ways to offer fast and effective treatment. Innovative remedies have been formulated with a tried-and-tested approach with minimal expense and effort. Among such up-gradation, topical skin adhesives stand out exceptionally. As the term suggests, skin adhesives effectively promote healing and avert any contaminant entering the wound area.

Let’s dig deeper and learn some fundamental roles topical skin adhesives play in the medical realm.

Topical Skin Adhesives — An Overview

Before moving on, let’s make it clear for you what exactly are topical skin adhesives. Although we have briefly introduced this part in the introduction, delving more will give a better understanding to address its roles.

Topical Skin adhesives act as a permanent skin glue for human skin. It can be viewed as the medically approved glue fostering wound healing and helping to close it. In other words, this skin bonding glue is more of an advanced repair alternative that has demonstrated its efficiency as a replacement to medical sutures.

Multiple Roles of Topical Skin Adhesives

Protection Of The Infected Area

As a medical skin adhesive, the derma bond generic holds the open wound and shelters it from any outside bacterial attacks or exposure to water or air. To be precise, it is more of a protection glue applied over wounds. How is this done?

The skin bonding glue effortlessly does this by extending the polymerized liquid cyanoacrylate monomers into hardened chains when in contact with moisture in the skin. This prevents the penetration of any bacterial or fungal attacks and thus, allows easy and smooth healing without any worsening chances. The ingredients of the medical skin adhesives create a bond with the surrounding skin area replacing the dressings as well.

Healing The Wound

These adhesives for skin are an excellent alternative for medical professionals. Its features are inclined to allow more care on the wound rather than focus on the stitching or further gluing. Topical adhesive can be complemented with sutures which allows a greater healing process.

Along with the outstanding protection, it provides wounds; it also repairs them. The bond it creates further accelerates the wound healing when holding the edges closely during application. In simpler terms, it diminishes any chances of further damage and caters to a safe and natural healing.

Replacement for Sutures

Indeed, the topical skin adhesive, aka glue for skin, is a wonder to medical science. Earlier, people feared the stitching and the painful experience they would go through. But this has now been replaced with effortless healing, especially pain-free with skin bonding glue.

It proves effective in the healing process, which is why its preference and demand have increased in the medical sphere.

Less Scarring

When a person has to undergo surgery, he is often left with scars on his body that might not go for years.. And this would be the last thing a patient will wish upon. But the skin adhesive ensures that you heal with little or no scarring, this often becomes a relatively better experience.

This is why topical adhesives are utilized during postoperative management and dressing changes so that it keeps them from curling and rolling off.

Not Only For Humans But Animals Too

The skin adhesive does not only act as a glue for human skin but animals as well. This means a pet owner can rest assured about their beloved companion for a speedy recovery. Moreover, most vets prefer to use topical adhesives for healing wounds.

Let’s Wrap Up

If you are wondering where to buy medical super glue, you can count on SkiStitch as we offer the best skin adhesive acting as the alternate solution to high priced dermabond. SkinStitch snips are sterile liquid bandage adhesive that can help treat injuries and incisions in a simple manner with minimal expense.




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