The Truth Behind The World’s Beloved Italian Kitchen & Culture

Hannah Corfield
10 min readOct 5, 2021

Revealing amusing and useful insights into Italy’s world famous food and drink culture, whilst clearing up some common misconceptions along the way!

Own Photo — Bellagio, Lake Como

Do you happen to have Italy on your bucket list (or more commonly known these days as the ‘Green List’)? Do you often drift off into daydreams about the perfect pizza or pasta? Do you get butterflies just thinking about meandering down small, cobbled streets on a hot summer evening in search of that delicious gelato? Well, I’ve got you covered! After 3 years of being a local in Milan, Italy’s number 1 city — as far as Food & Beverage service and quality is concerned — I’ve put together some helpful tips to ensure you and your stomach get the best out of your holiday, all the while blending in with the locals, oozing that staple Italian class and style.

Buon appetito… right?

Do dishes such as; chicken pasta, spaghetti meatballs, garlic bread, spaghetti Bolognese and chicken parmesan sound familiar? Well not to Italians! It’s a life changing moment when you learn that what we as outsiders have called Italian food all our lives, are concepts completely unheard of by Italians — including my Milanese fiancé, before he moved to America.



Hannah Corfield

Two-time emigrant, skipping the surface, on a journey of self-discovery. Writing along the way.