The Journey to DeFi: The Interplay and Contributions of Public and Private Blockchains Towards Innovation

SK Lee
5 min readOct 25, 2023


The emergence of blockchain technology has opened the door to a new wave of innovation, with potential applications extending from finance to supply chain management and more. As we continue to navigate this complex terrain, it’s critical to comprehend the binary nature of public and private blockchains, their distinct attributes, and how they can coexist to foster growth and innovation.

Differentiating Public and Private Blockchains

Public and private blockchains, the two main categories of blockchain technologies, each exhibit unique features and applications. Public blockchains are open to everyone and are completely decentralized, with no single authority governing the network. They ensure a high degree of security through cryptographic methods, but may be susceptible to malicious attacks. Every transaction on this network is transparent and visible to all participants.

Contrarily, private blockchains limit participation and are typically overseen by a central authority. They maintain an equally high level of security with a reduced risk of attacks, owing to the regulated nature of the network. Transactions on private blockchains are only visible to authorized participants, guaranteeing privacy.

The Ambiguities Surrounding DeFi

Despite the promise of decentralized finance (DeFi) and public blockchains, regulatory uncertainties, particularly about their potential misuse for money laundering or sanctions evasion, cast a cloud of doubt over their future.

Public blockchains and DeFi, due to their openness, anonymity, and cross-border capabilities, can be misused for illegal activities. Reports of money laundering and sanctions evasion using cryptocurrencies have emerged, raising global regulatory concerns. Regulatory arbitrage, a consequence of these platforms’ decentralized and borderless nature, further complicates the regulatory landscape. Moreover, the absence of a central authority in DeFi transactions heightens consumer risks, as illustrated by the collapse of certain DeFi protocols in the past few years.

To counter such risks, regulators globally are contemplating or enacting rules like Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations for cryptocurrency transactions and related activities. However, enforcing these rules is challenging due to the decentralized and global nature of these technologies and the difficulty in ensuring consistency in comprehensive regulatory standards, supervisory, and enforcement efforts.

Regulatory Evolution: A Call for Global Consistency

The adoption and functionality of public blockchains and DeFi applications are further complicated by regulatory differences across diverse jurisdictions. These regulatory disparities can impact the adoption and operation of DeFi applications. A DeFi startup operating in a supportive regulatory environment could struggle to expand into countries with stricter regulations, restricting its growth potential. Regulatory arbitrage can also occur, with entities opting to operate in jurisdictions with more lenient regulations. Cross-border transactions add extra challenges, with a blockchain transaction potentially legal in one jurisdiction but illegal in another.

These complexities underscore the necessity for a harmonized global regulatory framework — a challenge that global bodies and regulators are still wrestling with.

The symbiosis and contributions of blockchains in facilitating innovation in decentralized finance hinge on resolving these regulatory uncertainties and disparities. As we advance on the path to DeFi, the emphasis should be on cultivating a comprehensive, harmonized regulatory framework that encourages innovation while mitigating risks and safeguarding consumers.

Anticipating the Future of Blockchain Adoption and DeFi Evolution

Integrating blockchain technology, especially in the financial sector, is a complex journey full of both opportunities and challenges. Private, consortium-based blockchains surface as a potential provisional solution, offering regulated access, regulatory compliance, efficiency, scalability, and privacy.

Private blockchains, also known as permissioned blockchains, extend the inherent security and decentralization of blockchain with an added layer of regulatory compliance and control. They offer controlled access, ensuring that participants need to be authorized to join the network. Transactions are private and only visible to authorized participants, protecting sensitive business data. Furthermore, private blockchains can handle more transactions per second due to controlled participation and consensus mechanisms, making them highly efficient and scalable.

The use cases of private blockchains span across various sectors. Financial institutions can employ private blockchains for secure, fast, and efficient transactions, trade finance, asset management, and cross-border payments, all while ensuring regulatory compliance. In supply chain management, they can offer transparency, traceability, reduce fraud, and protect sensitive business information. Healthcare can leverage them to securely store and share patient data, manage consent, and improve interoperability among providers. Governments can use private blockchains for identity verification, voting systems, land registration, and more, providing secure, efficient, and transparent services to citizens.

Private blockchains can therefore be a stepping stone towards a more decentralized financial ecosystem. They can act as a bridge between traditional financial systems and DeFi applications, facilitating the seamless movement of assets between these two worlds, fostering greater integration and usability of DeFi applications. By ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, they can increase the acceptance of DeFi among traditional financial institutions and regulators, helping overcome trust issues associated with DeFi applications. Moreover, private blockchains can serve as testing grounds for new DeFi applications and services, providing a controlled environment for businesses and developers to experiment, innovate, and refine their DeFi offerings before launching them on public blockchains.

Looking ahead, a multi-chain strategy could result in a successful private blockchain that can be adopted across various jurisdictions. This strategy offers scalability, specialization and security. Despite the associated complexities, robust governance frameworks, standard protocols, interoperability solutions, modular design principles, collaborative ecosystems, robust security measures, and preparations for legal and regulatory compliance can help effectively navigate these challenges.

As we venture towards a future where blockchain becomes increasingly integral to our financial systems, a balanced approach that leverages the benefits of this technology while managing its potential risks will be crucial. The journey is intricate and filled with uncertainties, but the potential rewards — enhanced efficiency, improved security, cost reductions, and unprecedented financial inclusivity — make it a challenge worth undertaking.



SK Lee

FinTech & RegTech Activist | Risk & Compliance Facilitator | Mentor