51 Reasons to choose Skolaro!

Skolaro - School ERP
9 min readJul 25, 2022


Skolaro is designed by working closely with stakeholders of educational organizations to solve key problems through modern technology solutions. Our team of 100+ young and passionate full-time professionals is fully dedicated to the betterment of the platform and better customer experience. Our relentless efforts to innovate and bring the best of technology at a widely affordable price are putting them in a different league than others.

Skolaro was launched back in 2012 with an idea to provide an advanced and easy-to-use software system to the schools, colleges and educational institutions. It was launched with the objective of allowing institutions to manage their day to day functions effectively.

The 50+ Modules available in the Skolaro software gives you major tools required to manage school activities effectively and in a robust manner.

51 Reasons to Choose Skolaro

  1. Cloud based ERP

Skolaro is a cloud based software which is integrated with a combination of technologies connected by high speed internet networks. It can be accessible to users on mobile as well as on desktop.

2. Manages Applications

Skolaro helps to manage all the applications related to leave uploaded by both parents and students. It provides a portal to the parents & students wherein they can add the leave applications.

3. Admission Management

Skolaro not only helps you in streamlining the admission processes but also to generate dynamic reports of total admissions, total drop offs, admissions from different sources, leads from different sources, fee collection etc.

4. Examination Management

Skolaro helps in conducting and hosting effective examination environments online and remotely. It also helps in providing report cards to the students both quarterly and annually. You can design your own customized patterns of report cards and send it across to the students via the app itself.

5. HR Management

Skolaro helps to automate the functions performed by HR effectively which includes staff’s leave data, PF & TDS deductions, generating salaries with a 24*7 access to reports too.

6. Laboratory Management

Skolaro helps in the laboratory management by tracking online inventory systems, online laboratory documents, and online administration systems. These data of tools and materials can be accessed without limited time and space, virtually stored laboratory documents, and communication between laboratory administrators and users to be effective and efficient.

7. Hostel Management

Skolaro offers a full fledged accommodation system to efficiently manage the entire hostel. The hostel management module helps in keeping the updated records of the students, their meals, lodging, room transfers, in & out timings of the students, notifying parents, etc.

8. Fee Management

Skolaro is an easy to use fee collection software exclusively built to facilitate the financial management of schools, colleges and other institutions. Skolaro’s fee management system is 100% safe and secure. It allows online & offline fee collection and helps in managing other fee related activities seamlessly.

9. Grade Calculations

Skolaro helps in doing grades calculation of the students seamlessly by providing an effective evaluation algorithm at the ease of your system. You can set up your own marking pattern and software can come up with the grading of the students automatically.

10. Student Management

Skolaro helps to track, maintain and manage all the data generated by the school, including grades of students, their personal records, interpersonal activities etc. helps integrate parents, teachers, students and the administration. Skolaro helps in maintaining all the necessary information at a single place which helps the teachers or parents to get access to the information anytime they want.

11. Attendance Management

Skolaro helps in recording student attendance, tracking absenteeism with a user friendly platform and keeping your parents & authorities informed. It maintains records of the students attendance for various purposes like tracking their progress, behavioral analysis and regularity.

12. Lesson Planning

Skolaro helps your faculty in hosting, scheduling and planning their day to day lecture hours effectively and efficiently. This lesson planner not only helps the teachers in preparing for their day in advance but also to help them manage their time effectively.

13. Complain Tracking

Skolaro complaint tracking feature helps you in knowing the source of the complaint and keeps a track of it until it is resolved.

14. ID Card generation

Skolaro provides different templates for generating the ID cards of your students. You can also come up with your own pattern and design and our team will build it. You can add up as many details as you want such as blood group, parents name, address etc to be engraved on the ID cards.

15. Reports & Analytics

Skolaro provides a detailed report on each and every aspect like financial transactions, outstanding transactions, enquiries received, admissions, student details and other reports. We also provide dynamic reports options where you can fetch whatever report you want at a real time.

16. Student Gate Pass

Skolaro software helps in building gate passes for the students which can help you be aware of all the reasons why the student needs to leave the school on half day or between any lecture. This can be provided to the parents too for keeping them in loop.

17. Library Management

Skolaro offers an intuitive interface to manage the department wise and the central Library facility in the Institute application. It allows the librarian to maintain and update the media stock in the library, providing accession code to media, creation of library members along with issuing and returning management of books from students and staff across all the departments — which includes late fine and media damage fines.

18. Student Behavior tracking

Skolaro helps in reviewing the performance of the students and analyzing the reasons behind it. It helps the teachers to record student’s attendance and track their behavior. This helps in discovering the information between the student’s attendance and their behaviors. Teachers can ultimately take necessary steps to improve the student’s performance.

19. Managing CRM

Skolaro helps the management to store a huge database of the students and their information. These records can be accessed by the administrations, staff and parents within just a few clicks.

20. Facilitate Parent teacher meetings

With Skolaro software you can inform the parents about the parents- teacher meetings by sending them messages or notifications. This provides an ease to the teachers and keeps the parents well informed priorly.

21. Admit Card generation

Skolaro provides different templates for generating the admit cards of your students. You can also come up with your own pattern and design and our team will build it. You can easily generate admit cards for the upcoming exams and send it to the students.

22. Bulk Admit Card generation

Skolaro helps you generate admit cards in bulk. You can generate consolidated admit cards as per the theme of your school and send it across the students.

23. Real Time Notification.

With Skolaro’s real time notification feature you can send communications to the parents in real time and build a good relationship with them. You can send any sort of communication like information about any upcoming event, student’s performance, student’s regularity etc.

24. Transport Management

Skolaro helps in providing real time updates about the bus status to the parents so that they can plan their schedule accordingly. It helps in generating alerts on the servicing of the buses, and the renewals of driver licenses so that the vehicles have a long lifetime and there are less expenses on the maintenance.

25. GPS tracking

Skolaro GPS bus tracking system ensures that school bus administration authorities have all the necessary information like bus location, number of passengers in the bus etc. GPS bus tracking system also helps in sending updates to the parents.

26. Parents Complaint Forums

Skolaro helps in strengthening the relationship between the parents and teachers by providing parents the option to connect with the teachers anytime in case they have any query on any subject or topic.

27. Rate Student’s Performance

With Skolaro, the teachers can mark the student’s performance whenever they complete a task. This helps in keeping the students motivated and energetic to perform well.

28. Reviews on Performance

Beside giving rating to the students, skolaro also allows teachers to put up reviews on any activity of the students. With the comments, students feel delighted and they also get to know the areas of improvement.

29. Fair Evaluation

Skolaro helps to automate the entire admission process so that there is a fair evaluation of scores without any discrepancies. Skolaro helps in providing a complete structure of marks and grades to the students without any scope of errors.

30. Transaction Statistics

On every transaction, the administrators get notified and they can fetch a list of all the transactions anytime. It also helps in doing the accounting of the school as the data provided by the software is error free and reliable.

31 Assign Roles

Skolaro provides 8 different types of logins to make the school ecosystem more transparent. You can assign roles and fix the jurisdiction of these people to make them accountable.

32. Import from excel

Skolaro is a data friendly software which allows you to upload and download excel supported documents.

33. Data export to excel & pdf

Skolaro helps you to export data instantly and conveniently in the format of excel & pdf.

34. Virtual Reality Education

Skolaro provides the best virtual reality experience in education to introduce next-gen classrooms.

35. Accounting Management

Skolaro seals with the complexities of accounting and financial reporting It has everything an institution business manager needs to operate efficiently, including financial reporting which includes maintaining company ledger & General ledger, Accounts receivable, Accounts payable, Bank reconciliation, Budget, Income & Expenditure A/C, day book, Bank/Cash payment, Cash receipt/Bank receipt etc.

36. Driver Management

Skolaro helps in keeping a repository of all the drivers and conductors which include their personal details like name, age, address, phone number, family details etc.

37. Easy Installation

Skolaro is very simple to install as it has a very simple user interface. Moreover, it is tailored as per your needs and requirements to provide you best ever experience.

38. Remote Access

Skolaro accessibility is not just limited to mobiles but comes with web as well as mobile app and is supportable on all the devices like tabs, ipads, desktop, laptop and mobile phones.

39. Data Upgradation

Skolaro helps you in maintaining and updating your database regularly, swiftly and easily through a defined route and helps your school upgrade and meet the competition.

40. Login portal for parents

Skolaro provides a separate login for the parents which provide them access to their child’s academic performance, fee submissions and they can also get in touch with the faculties anytime for anything.

41. School Gallery

You can also display your school gallery on the software which can include your event pictures, classroom activities, toppers etc. You can store your events pictures and cherish your memories.

42. Dynamic Dashboard

Skolaro provides a dynamic dashboard for the schools. You can customize or personalize your dashboard as per your needs and requirements.

43. Automatic Result Generation

With Skolaro, your teachers don’t need to invest their crucial time on assessing 1000s of answersheet and marking them. It helps you generate performance results instantly with its automated software.

44. Customized Character Certificate

Skolaro helps you provide customized character certificates for your students. We offer a wide range of templates with different patterns and designs and you can also create your patterns and designs.

45. Calendar

Skolaro has an integrated calendar that keeps the records of past, present and future events of your school.

46. Documentation Management

Skolaro helps you keep all your documents safely and securely with password protected softwares.

47. User friendly Interface

Skolaro is extremely user friendly and easy to operate where one can manage their daily school activities on the go.

48. Customization of websites

Skolaro helps you create beautiful websites that match the theme and values of your school and showcase your offerings effectively.

49. Smart teaching

With world class ERP and LMS tools, Skolaro helps in promoting smart teaching in the school by providing online as well as offline support to provide the best learning experience to the students.

50. 24*7 Support

Skolaro ensures regular support is provided by the tech and account management team to make sure you are fully capable of implementing the system efficiently at your school.

51. Cloud Storage

Skolaro is a cloud erp solution and it provides cloud storage service which helps in having a safe and secured storage of files and you can store unlimited files without any fear of security as it provides backup facility too.

To know more, visit- https://www.skolaro.com/



Skolaro - School ERP

At Skolaro, we are at a mission to help schools progress better and improve their turnover by digitising the end to end activities of the schools.