NFTs as a force for good

2 min readOct 25, 2021


Climate change is happening and that’s causing problems which are set to get worse. Rising sea levels. Homes and habitats destroyed by flooding. Loss of tree life and land. Extinction of species. Famine. Drought. And it goes on.

At CarbonHive, we’ve been rethinking how we can tackle an old problem, using a new technological medium, NFTs. Non-Fungible-Tokens (NFTs) prove the ownership and digital authenticity of a digital asset that is recorded on the blockchain. With the world going digital, we think NFTs can be used as a force for good.

Our engineers have built carbon absorbing NFTs on FLOW blockchain. When a buyer collects these NFTs it triggers a real-world action. Plant a tree, save a forest, and many more exciting types to come. When an NFT is newly minted on blockchain, then a clever formula kicks in and starts absorbing virtual carbon on blockchain, which mimics the NFTs impact in the real-world.

At CarbonHive, we understand that we all want to do our part to tackle climate change, and we help you do that by being able to support many and different types of impacts. You’ll be able to track all your impacts in one place and see your CO2e reading evolve. And we when we launch our marketplace you’ll be able to trade NFTs with other collectors, and a small royalty will still go to the underlying cause too.

We’re currently unfunded to date, but connected on a mission to do good for the world. We’re in the process of launching our own collection, the Hive Collection, which will earn you special lifetime rewards, and you’ll be supporting the development of CarbonHive too as there’s lots of hires we want to make to grow the platform. Make an Impact, Save the Earth. Learn more on

