Exploring Laravel (9/10/11)Features: A Comprehensive Series

3 min readJun 7, 2024


Mastering Laravel’s Elements & Features with Hands-On Projects


Hello Laravel Developers!

I’m thrilled to announce an exciting new series on this blog that will delve into the essential elements and features of Laravel, as detailed in my LinkedIn slides on “Laravel Elements & Features”. Each article in this series will focus on a specific Laravel feature, providing an in-depth explanation and a practical project to demonstrate its implementation using Laravel 11, the latest version as of May 2024.

What to Expect

In this series, we will:
- Explore Laravel Elements: Understand the purpose and functionality of each element.
- Implement Practical Projects: Build projects that highlight the real-world application of these features, with a focus on e-commerce use cases.
- Share Best Practices: Offer tips and techniques to leverage these features effectively.

Series Outline

The series will cover the following 25 Laravel elements in the order outlined, along with the respective projects:

1. Cast — Building a Custom Data Formatting System
2. Channel — Creating a Multi-Channel Notification System
3. Command — Automating Tasks with Artisan Commands
4. Component — Developing Reusable UI Components
5. Controller — Managing Requests with Controllers
6. Event — Implementing an Event-Driven System
7. Exception — Managing Errors with Custom Exceptions
8. Factory — Generating Test Data with Factories
9. Job — Performing Background Tasks with Jobs
10. Listener — Reacting to Events with Listeners
11. Mail — Sending Emails with Laravel Mail
12. Middleware — Securing Your Application with Middleware
13. Migration — Managing Database Schemas with Migrations
14. Model — Representing Data with Eloquent Models
15. Notification — Enhancing User Engagement with Notifications
16. Observer — Automating Model Actions with Observers
17. Policy — Implementing Access Control with Policies
18. Provider — Registering Services with Providers
19. Request — Handling User Input with Form Requests
20. Resource — Building APIs with Resource Controllers
21. Rule — Custom Validation Rules
22. Scope — Efficient Data Retrieval with Scopes
23. Seeder — Seeding Databases with Test Data
24. Test — Ensuring Quality with Automated Tests
25. View — Crafting User Interfaces with Blade Views

Stay Tuned

This page will be regularly updated with links to each article as they are published. The first article, focused on creating a custom data formatting system using Laravel Casts, will be available soon.

How to Get Involved

Feel free to leave comments, ask questions, and share your experiences with these features. Your feedback and engagement will help shape the direction of this series.

Follow Along

Follow this blog to get notified when new articles are published. You can also follow me on Twitter [@SamuelKpassegna].

Let’s embark on this Laravel journey together and build something amazing!

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By focusing on these key elements and their practical implementation through real-world projects, we aim to provide a comprehensive and hands-on learning experience. If you have any specific features or projects you’d like to see covered, please let me know in the comments.

Happy coding!




Versatile Full-Stack Developer | PHP, Python3, WordPress | Author & GuardGeo Owner | Passionate about secure, efficient coding and continuous growth.