Skrill permanently closed my account (without any reason). How can I reactivate it?

Skrill Accounts For Sale
2 min readNov 13, 2023


If Skrill has permanently closed your account without providing a reason, your best course of action is to contact Skrill’s customer support directly to inquire about the closure and explore the possibility of reactivating your account. Here are the steps you can take:

1. **Contact Skrill Support:**
— Visit the Skrill website and look for the customer support or contact section. There should be information on how to reach Skrill’s customer support team.

2. **Provide Account Details:**
— When reaching out to customer support, provide your account details, including your Skrill account email, username, and any other relevant information.

3. **Ask for Clarification:**
— In your communication with Skrill support, politely ask for clarification on why your account was permanently closed. Understanding the reason is crucial for addressing the issue and potentially resolving it.

4. **Follow Instructions:**
— Skrill support may provide instructions on any necessary steps to resolve the matter. Follow their instructions carefully and promptly.

5. **Verification Process:**
— Skrill may request additional verification steps to ensure the security of your account. Be prepared to provide any necessary documents, such as a government-issued ID or proof of address.

6. **Be Patient:**
— Resolving account issues may take some time. Be patient and wait for Skrill’s customer support to review your case.

7. **Alternative Communication Channels:**
— If you encounter difficulties through one communication channel, consider trying alternative channels such as email, live chat, or phone support.

It’s important to note that while Skrill typically has customer support to handle account-related issues, the reactivation process and outcome may depend on the specific circumstances of your account closure. If you have funds in your closed Skrill account, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly to avoid any complications.

If you are unable to resolve the issue with Skrill’s customer support, you may want to seek legal advice or contact relevant financial authorities in your jurisdiction for further assistance. Always keep records of your communication with Skrill for documentation purposes.


