Isabella d’Este — biography and impact.

3 min readSep 30, 2022


Isabella d’Este is one of the most famous women of the Renaissance. She was called the first lady of Renaissance and had relationships with some art creators whose works are now very expensive, for example Leonardo da Vinci. But what was her biography like? Which circumstances made her so interested in art? Why is she still interesting to us today? All answers will be in this article.

Titian Vecellio. Portrait of Isabella d’Este.(

Isabella d’Este was born in Italy, Ferrara on May 19, 1774. In childhood Isabella was witness to bright art life. It can be the reason why she was so interested in art. Parents gave her a good education that was equal to the education of her brothers. She was studying Latin, Greek, Roman history, music, astrology and dancing. Isabella was also educated in politics.

She married Francesco Gonzaga in 1490 and they had 8 children.

All through her life Isabella was supporting many of the Renaissance’s painters, writers, poets and musicians. Also she had her own collection of works of art.

When Isabella lived in Rome, she led the defence of her fortified property. Soon when Isabella d’Este returned to Mantua where she lived earlier she led the city’s recovery from illness and famine that killed almost one-third of the population. In 1529 Isabella became the ruler of a small city-state, Solarolo and on February 13, 1539 Isabella d’Este died in Mantua.

Isabella d’Este was important for her time period because she supported lots of art creators. That helps them to comfortably make more of their work with no worry about food or place to live. For example she was supporting Leonardo da Vinci. They also exchanged letters for six years.

Isabella also ruled some cities and helped them to recover.

Isabella d’Este. The painting of Leonardo da Vinci.(

Isabella’s story can be interesting today, like a history of a woman that could achieve a lot at a time when women hadn’t got lots of rights. Also we can look at this story without thinking about Isabella’s gender. This story shows how supporting art creators make a person famous and very influential.

To conclude we can say that Isabella d’Este was a influential woman in Renaissance. She had an interesting biography, was very important to her era and her story is still interesting in our days.


  1. Jone Johnson Lewis, «Biography of Isabella d’Este, Patron of the Renaissance». — 26.09.2022.

2. Павел Алёшин, «Династия д’Эсте и ренессанс в Ферраре. Отрывок из книги историка Павла Алешина», «Изабелла д,Эсте: «подруга благородных искусств». — 26.09.2022.


