Maya In Hinduism: Understanding the Divine Play

Sandip Kshetri
4 min readApr 15, 2023


Maya, Illusion

Maya is a well-known and extensively discussed topic in Hinduism. Mainly, it refers to the illusion of reality, which prevents us from seeing the ultimate truth of life. While Maya might be perceived as an hindrance to spiritual progress, it is also a tool for understanding the divine activity of the cosmos. Today, we will look at the notion of Maya in Hinduism, its relationship to ultimate reality, and its function in the spiritual journey.

Maya — The Illusion of Reality

As you might already know, Maya is a Sanskrit word. It refers to illusion or delusion of reality. Hinduism holds that the universe we see is actually an illusion created by God as a creative activity. Maya is seen as the root cause of all sorrow and ignorance because it blinds us to the true essence of reality.

Maya in Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna enlightens Arjuna by explaining that the cosmos is governed by Maya. The world as we know it is not the ultimate reality. It is, instead, a fleeting illusion that traps us in ignorance and attachment to the worldly world, impeding our spiritual advancement.

Lord Krishna reveals that the highest truth, which he calls as Brahman, is beyond Maya. Only those who are capable of seeing beyond Maya may achieve enlightenment and merge with Brahman. This indicates that humans must let go of their attachment to the physical world and see through Maya’s illusions in order to gain real enlightenment and escape from the cycle of rebirth.

The Three Modes of Maya

Maya is classified into three modes or Gunas in Hindu philosophy: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Sattva is a goodness mode connected with purity, clarity, and harmony. Rajas is a passion mode connected with activity, desire, and attachment. Tamas represents ignorance and is connected with darkness, lethargy, and illusion. Maya’s three modes are constantly shifting, and our experiences are molded by the prevailing mode at any particular time.

Maya and the Ultimate Reality

Although Maya is the illusion of reality, it is also seen as a heavenly manifestation. The ultimate truth in Hinduism is Brahman, which exists outside space, time, and cause. Brahman is the basis of all creation, and it may be found in all aspects of the cosmos. Maya is the Brahman spirit that generates and sustains the cosmos.

The Divine Goddess Maya

Maya is also a Hindu goddess. She signifies both the supremacy of illusion and the universe’ creative force. She is usually thought of as a beautiful woman who seduces people to believe in the illusion. She is the mother of all demons and is viewed as a powerful entity that can be both benevolent and terrible.

Maya and Karma

In Hinduism, Karma refers to the law of cause and effect. Our acts are seen to have repercussions, which can be favorable or harmful depending on the nature of our actions. Maya gives the impression that our actions have no repercussions. It is said that this is one of the reasons why there are so many sins committed in our world.

Understanding Maya in Practice

Maya is a practical tool for understanding the nature of reality and our role in it, not merely a philosophical idea in Hinduism. In Hinduism, there are numerous rituals that might help us escape the illusion of Maya and discover our actual nature.

Jnana Yoga and the Illusion of Maya

Jnana Yoga is a practice that entails the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. It is founded on the belief that by comprehending the nature of reality, we may conquer Maya’s illusion and achieve liberation. Jnana Yoga can both viewed as tools for understanding the divine play of the cosmos. We may learn the actual nature of reality and our role in the cosmos by peeling away the layers of Maya via spiritual practice. The route to liberation, whether through Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, or Karma Yoga, entails the understanding of Maya and its eventual annihilation.

Maya in Modern Times

Maya is still a significant concept today, since many people are caught up in the illusion and suffer as a result. Hinduism’s teachings give significant insights into the nature of reality as well as practical techniques for overcoming the illusion of Maya and achieving freedom.

Final Say

Maya is a fundamental Hindu concept that refers to the illusion of reality. While Maya might be viewed as a hindrance to spiritual progress, it can also be viewed as a tool for comprehending the divine activity of the cosmos. We may conquer the illusion of reality and discover our true identity as the universal self by learning the concept of Maya and participating in spiritual practice.

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— Adi Shankara.



Sandip Kshetri

I create unique content that explores mystical subjects, designed to spark curiosity. Join me on a journey to explore the mystical wonders of the universe.