Reasons, why you’re tired so muchYou drank too much coffee (energy-drink, Mate-tea, whatever), because you were tired, and thus did not fall asleep early enoughMay 17, 2018May 17, 2018
Why writeI write when I’m confused. It puts my screaming brain ducks in a row again.Apr 4, 2018Apr 4, 2018
Today, I had a Hololens on my headMore than a year ago, when Microsoft’s Hololens was announced, I was pretty thrilled by the presentation. Not so much time before, Google…Feb 14, 2017Feb 14, 2017
When hiringWill you hire someone better or with less skills then yourself? Are you looking for someone to control, or to excel?Dec 10, 2016Dec 10, 2016
The VoidToday is again a day of which I’m calling “The Void”. This usually happens with me when there’s a period of a lot of work, a lot of stress…Nov 7, 2016Nov 7, 2016
The “Basic Salary” ideaSome of you might have heard about the “Basic income” idea as a form of funding and social stability in a society. It’s been discussed now…Aug 25, 20161Aug 25, 20161
Tired using technologyWell yes, there’s this song, which isn’t even that great. And the lyrics don’t really reflect what I’m about to write here, too, but the…Aug 21, 2016Aug 21, 2016