Oral Pleasure Made Simple

Sex and Love
3 min readDec 23, 2022

As many men will know, it’s rather hard for a woman to reach orgasm during conventional sexual intercourse. This isn’t to say that women don’t enjoy this ultimate form of loving connection with their male partners, because the sensation of physical union can be extremely rewarding emotionally. What it does mean, however, is that if a woman is to be physically and emotionally fulfilled during a sexual encounter with her partner, then he must find a way to bring her to orgasm that does not depend on intercourse alone.

Fortunately for all men everywhere, women almost universally say that they prefer oral sex to intercourse as a means of reaching climax. Now, in some cultures this may not be acceptable, but in Western society oral sex has become almost de rigueur in a healthy sexual relationship. It’s a foolish man indeed who ignores his partner’s expectation that he will pleasure her orally — not only because he deprives her of orgasmic pleasure, but also because he deprives himself of the extremely arousing and satisfying pleasures that can be derived from such intimate connection with an aroused woman.

And, provided a woman has at least twenty minutes of foreplay, which includes kissing, caressing, cuddling, and fondling, she’s well primed to reach orgasm, and when a man also enjoys pleasuring her orally, it’s almost guaranteed that she will reach a climax.

