Safety & Visibility in Wet Weather: Essential Hi-Vis Rainwear in Australia

Sky Hamilton
6 min readApr 25, 2024

When the weather turns nasty and rain starts pouring, staying safe outdoors becomes even more important. Hi-Vis Rainwear refers to hi vis wet weather gear designed to increase the visibility and safety of workers, emergency responders, construction crews, and others who need to be seen in low-light conditions or inclement weather. In this article, we delve into the essential features and benefits of Hi-Vis Rainwear, exploring how it enhances both safety and efficiency in various workplaces.

The Importance of Hi-Vis Rainwear in Australia

Australia’s diverse weather patterns can throw anything from a tropical downpour to a persistent drizzle your way. For many workers, battling the elements is simply part of the job. But staying safe and seen in wet weather becomes paramount, especially for those in high-risk environments.

  • Enhanced Visibility: The fluorescent colours and reflective strips on hi-vis rainwear ensure you’re clearly visible to motorists, heavy machinery operators, and fellow workers, even in low-light conditions and during heavy rain.
  • Wet Weather Protection: Made from waterproof and breathable materials, hi-vis rainwear shields you from the elements, keeping you dry and comfortable throughout your shift.

Types of Hi-Vis Rainwear

  • Hi-Vis Rain Jackets: The workhorse of hi-vis rainwear, jackets offer complete upper body protection. Look for features like a zip or button closure, a hood for extra coverage, and adjustable cuffs for a snug fit.
  • Hi-Vis Vests: These lightweight and breathable options are ideal for mild rain or when layering with other clothing. They’re also great for increased visibility when working in areas with less extreme weather conditions.
  • Hi-Vis Pants: For complete protection from the elements, hi-vis rain pants are essential. They come in a variety of styles, from full-length options to ¾ length for added flexibility.
  • Hi-Vis Coveralls: The ultimate all-in-one solution, coveralls provide head-to-toe protection. They’re perfect for heavy downpours or working in environments with splashing hazards.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Workwear Rain Jacket

  • Waterproof and Breathable Materials: Look for jackets and pants made from materials like PVC, PU-coated nylon, or polyester with a waterproof membrane. These materials keep you dry while allowing moisture vapour to escape, preventing overheating.
  • Seamed or Seam-Sealed Construction: Seams are a potential entry point for water. Opt for rainwear with sealed seams for maximum waterproofness.
  • Hood Design: A well-designed hood with an adjustable drawstring keeps the rain out of your face without obstructing your vision.
  • Pockets: Ample pockets, ideally with storm flaps to prevent water ingress, are a must for storing essential tools and keeping valuables dry.
  • Reflective Strips: Wider and strategically placed reflective strips enhance nighttime visibility.
  • Ventilation: Look for vents under the arms or on the back to allow for breathability and prevent moisture build-up.

Hi-Vis Weather Protection Apparel Across Various Occupations

Hi-vis rainwear isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Different professions have varying needs when it comes to wet weather protection.

  • Construction Workers: Opt for durable hi-vis rain gear like bib overalls or a combination of a jacket and pants made from PVC or PU-coated fabrics. Features like reinforced knees and plenty of pockets for tools are a plus.
  • Road Workers and Traffic Control: Prioritize high visibility with a bright hi-vis rain jacket and pants. Reflective stripes should be strategically placed for maximum visibility from all angles. Consider a rain jacket with a brimmed hood for added protection.
  • Mining and Resources: Look for hi-vis rainwear with flame-retardant properties if working near potential ignition sources. Additionally, consider features like a high collar and storm flaps for added protection from wind and rain.
  • Emergency Services: First responders need hi-vis rainwear that allows for quick movement and easy access to equipment. A hi-vis rain jacket with a breathable membrane and ample pockets is a good choice. Reflective striping should be prominent for maximum visibility in low-light situations.
  • Manufacturing and Warehousing: For moderate rain and temperature control, a hi-vis bomber jacket or a lightweight rain jacket with a PU coating might be sufficient. Look for features like adjustable cuffs and a hood for added protection.
  • Medical Professionals: For outdoor medical personnel like paramedics, hi vis raincoats with a waterproof membrane and a high collar is ideal. Choose a design that allows for easy layering with medical scrubs.

Rainwear Options for Professional Environments

  • Pocket Raincoats: These lightweight, packable raincoats are lifesavers for sudden downpours. They’re ideal for keeping in your work bag or vehicle for unexpected showers.
  • Hi-Vis Safety Hats: Don’t let rain compromise head protection. Look for hi-vis safety hats with a wide brim for added rain deflection.
  • Hi-Vis Backpack Covers: Keep your belongings dry with a hi-vis backpack cover. This ensures both your safety and the protection of your valuables.
  • Waterproof Boots: Wet and slippery conditions can be hazardous. Invest in a good pair of hi-vis or steel-capped work boots with good tread for wet environments.

Materials Used for Hi-Vis Rainwear Clothing

  • PVC: Classic choice, waterproof and durable, but stiff and less breathable. Great for wet and windy conditions.
  • PU-Coated Fabrics: Lighter and more flexible than PVC, offering good balance of waterproofing and breathability. Ideal for moderate weather and extended wear.
  • Waterproof Membrane: Top-tier breathability with excellent waterproofing. Perfect for high-activity jobs and hot climates.
  • Mesh Lining: Improves comfort by wicking away moisture from your skin, keeping you dry from the inside out.
  • Taped Seams: Look for rainwear with taped seams to prevent water ingress at the stitching points, ensuring maximum waterproofing.
  • Reflective Material: Ensure the reflective strips are made from high-quality materials that maintain their visibility over time for optimal safety.

Maintenance and Care Tips

  • Follow the Care Label: Every garment comes with a care label. It provides specific washing instructions for the materials used. Following these guidelines ensures proper cleaning without damaging the waterproof properties or reflective materials.
  • Spot Clean Whenever Possible: Address minor dirt or stains promptly with a damp cloth and mild detergent. This prevents them from setting in and requiring a full wash.
  • Wash on Gentle Cycle: When a full wash is necessary, opt for a gentle cycle with cold water. Avoid harsh detergents, bleach, or fabric softeners, which can degrade the materials.
  • Turn Garments Inside Out: This protects the outer layer, especially the reflective strips, from abrasion during the washing process.
  • Air Dry or Tumble Dry Low: High heat can damage the waterproof coating and reflective materials. Hang your rainwear to air dry whenever possible. If using a dryer, choose the lowest heat setting.
  • Store Properly: After drying, store your hi-vis rainwear in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This prevents mould growth and keeps the materials from deteriorating.

Advantages of Regular Cleaning and Proper Care

  • Maintains Visibility: Proper care prevents dirt and grime from obscuring the fluorescent colours and reflective strips, crucial for staying seen.
  • Optimizes Performance: Clean and well-maintained rainwear retains its waterproof and breathable properties, keeping you comfortable and dry on the job.
  • Maintains Professional Appearance: Clean hi-vis rainwear reflects a commitment to safety and professionalism.


Hi-vis rainwear is crucial for keeping Australian workers safe and visible in wet conditions across many industries. With waterproof yet breathable jackets, pants, coveralls and more in bright, reflective colors, it offers protection from the elements and enhanced visibility. Different styles are tailored to various job needs like heavy-duty options for construction or lightweight, packable rain jackets. Proper care through correct washing and storage maintains waterproofing and visibility. Quality hi-vis rainwear allows workers to stay dry, comfortable and clearly seen by equipment operators and vehicles, enabling them to battle Australia’s diverse weather while prioritizing safety on the job site.

