I Learned These 3 Priceless Lessons From Traveling Alone As A Woman

Sky Ariella
5 min readMar 29, 2023

When I went on my first solo trip, I was a 22-year-old college grad planning on law school. By the time I got on my return flight half a year later, I was a 23-year-old freelance writer traveling full-time.

Me on a hiking trip through the Path of the Gods in Italy

They’re not joking when they say you come out of a solo trip a completely different person than who you were on the way in. My perception and values shifted in ways I never could’ve foreseen.

The wisdom I gained from traveling alone as a woman completely changed my life and the insights I collected might help you, too.

The World Is Frighteningly Big And Utterly Tiny At The Same Time

Hand touching water

When I first arrived in Bangkok alone, I was surrounded by crowds but I felt the tug of knowing nobody weighing like a dumbbell around my throat. I figured there was one very easy way to meet new people — Tinder. I got swiping and after a match or two, I got a message that stopped me in my tracks.

“Hey, you’re from Woodstock, right?”

My hometown had a bit of a notorious reputation as being the ’69 music festival…



Sky Ariella

A travel/lifestyle writer who craves all things adrenaline. From New York, but going everywhere. http://skyariella.com / IG: @skyariella / Twitter: @sky_ariella