Aug 22, 2023

Find solace in chaos

Chaos within, mind in disarray,
Body feels weightless, drifting away,
My soul is cleansed, washed by sorrow's tide,
I vanish, my path unknown, I hide.

Echoes of tired demons resound,
One devil whispers – "Death, you have found."
Another demon hisses – "This world's devoid,
Of any meaning, it's best to avoid."

Madness engulfs me, their puppet am I,
Others speak, their words make me sigh.
They say all those things, unaware, unaware,
Of the battles I fight, of the burdens I bear.

In the depths of darkness, I seek solace,
In the air of poetry, I find my solace.

August, 22nd — Vivi.


Writing has taken and placed half of my soul into meaningful words.