James Webb Space Telescope Reveals Sandy Clouds in the WASP 107b’s Atmosphere

Sky Headlines
5 min readNov 17, 2023


The discovery and ongoing research into WASP 107b, a fascinating exoplanet situated around 211 light-years away in the Virgo constellation, keeps revealing more about the varied planetary systems in our galaxy. Recent observations by the Webb Telescope have significantly advanced our understanding of this peculiar exoplanet.

Artist’s impression of WASP-107b and its parent star. (Image credit: Illustration: LUCA School of Arts, Belgium/ Klaas Verpoest (visuals), Johan Van Looveren (typography). Science: Achrène Dyrek (CEA and Université Paris Cité, France), Michiel Min (SRON, the Netherlands), Leen Decin (KU Leuven, Belgium) / European MIRI EXO GTO team / ESA / NASA)

Discovery and Initial Observations

WASP 107b was first identified in 2017 through the Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) survey. This gas giant, approximately the size of Jupiter but with only 12% of Jupiter’s mass, intrigued astronomers due to its exceptionally low density and close orbit around its host star.

Who discovered WASP 107b?

WASP 107b was discovered in 2017 by a team of astronomers led by D.R. Anderson using the Wide Area Search for Planets South (WASP-South) telescope. WASP-South is a ground-based transit search telescope located at the European Southern Observatory’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. The team used the transit method to detect WASP 107b, which is the technique of observing the planet as it passes in front of its host star and blocks out a small amount of the star’s light. This method allows astronomers to measure the planet’s size and orbital period.

Revolutionary Findings by the JWST

The JWST has recently provided groundbreaking insights into WASP-107b’s atmosphere. Unlike any other known exoplanet, WASP 107b possesses high-altitude clouds composed of fine silicate particles, essentially very fine-grained sand, along with the presence of water vapor and sulfur dioxide.

Unique Atmospheric Composition

The detection of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere was unexpected. This compound is typically associated with processes involving high-energy photons, which are less prevalent around WASP-107b’s cooler, smaller host star. The planet’s low density allows these photons to penetrate deeper into the atmosphere, resulting in chemical reactions that produce sulfur dioxide.

What is the temperature of WASP 107b?

WASP 107b, an exoplanet situated approximately 211 light-years from Earth, is classified as a “hot Jupiter.” This category denotes gas giant planets that orbit very close to their host stars. WASP-107b’s proximity to its star, which is roughly half the size and mass of our Sun, results in extreme temperatures reaching about 500 degrees Celsius (932 degrees Fahrenheit). This intense heat is primarily due to the substantial radiation from the nearby star, causing the planet’s atmosphere to expand and heat up significantly, making WASP 107b one of the hottest known exoplanets.

The Phenomenon of Sand Clouds

WASP-107b’s sand clouds are a fascinating phenomenon. Researchers believe these clouds form similarly to Earth’s water vapor clouds but with silicate particles. The condensing and falling sand rain droplets vaporize in the hotter layers of the planet and rise again to cooler altitudes, where they recondense into clouds.

Implications for Planetary Science

The discovery of these atmospheric features has significant implications for our understanding of planetary formation and chemistry. It challenges existing theories and suggests that planetary atmospheres can be more diverse and dynamic than previously thought.

Deep Atmospheric Probing

WASP-107b’s low density, sometimes likened to a comet, permits unprecedented deep atmospheric observation. This fluffiness enables astronomers to look far deeper into its atmosphere than is possible for denser planets like Jupiter, offering richer data about its composition and dynamics.

JWST’s Role in Exoplanetary Research

The role of the JWST in these discoveries cannot be overstated. The Webb Telescope has a special tool called the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). Using MIRI, the JWST can study the atmosphere of the planet WASP 107b in mid-infrared light. It allowed scientists to discover new things about the planet that they couldn’t see before.

Comparison with Other Exoplanets

WASP 107b continues to stand out among other known exoplanets. Its unique atmospheric composition, with elements like sulfur dioxide and silicate sand clouds, provides an interesting contrast to more commonly studied gas giants.

Enhancing Our Understanding of Planetary Systems

These findings contribute significantly to our broader understanding of planetary systems. By studying such unique atmospheric conditions, astronomers can develop better models for planetary formation and evolution, not just in our solar system but across the galaxy.

Public Interest and Educational Impact of WASP 107b

The study of WASP 107b has also captured public interest, serving as a gateway for educational initiatives in astronomy and planetary science. It highlights the dynamic and varied nature of planets beyond our solar system.

Future Prospects and Studies of WASP 107b

As research continues, the JWST and other telescopes will likely uncover even more details about WASP 107b and other exoplanets. This ongoing research promises to deepen our understanding of these distant worlds and their place in the cosmic landscape.

How long would it take to get to WASP 107b?

The time it would take to travel to WASP-107b depends on the distance from Earth and the speed of the spacecraft. WASP 107b is located about 211 light-years away from Earth. To put this into perspective:

  • At the Speed of Light: Traveling at the speed of light (approximately 299,792 kilometers per second), it would still take 211 years to reach WASP-107b.
  • Using Current Spacecraft: The fastest spacecraft ever built by humans, the Parker Solar Probe, can travel up to 700,000 kilometers per hour. At this speed, it would take thousands of years to reach WASP 107b.
  • Hypothetical Advanced Space Travel: Imagine a future where technologies allow spacecraft to journey at substantial fractions of light speed, drastically cutting travel times. For instance, traveling at 10% of the speed of light might reduce the trip duration to approximately 2,110 years.

It’s important to note that these are theoretical calculations. Current space travel technology is not capable of sending humans to exoplanets, and such a journey remains firmly in the realm of science fiction for now.

Broadening the Search for Extraterrestrial Life on WASP 107b

While WASP 107b itself is unlikely to host life, studying its atmosphere provides valuable knowledge that can aid in the search for habitable planets. Techniques developed through this research could help identify potential biosignatures in other worlds.

Reshaping Theories of Planetary Evolution

The new findings about WASP-107b’s atmosphere are reshaping theories about how planets form and evolve. The presence of unusual atmospheric components like silicate sand clouds and sulfur dioxide offers new perspectives on the chemical processes that can occur on distant planets.

The Future of Exoplanet Characterization

Lead researcher Leen Decin from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven has emphasized the revolutionary impact of JWST in characterizing exoplanets. The discoveries about WASP-107b demonstrate the telescope’s capability to provide rapid and unprecedented insights, marking a pivotal milestone in exoplanetary science.


In summary, WASP 107b is more than just an exoplanet; it represents a new frontier in our understanding of the universe. Its unique characteristics challenge our existing knowledge and open up new possibilities for future discoveries. As we continue to explore the depths of space, this exoplanet remains a symbol of the mysteries and wonders that await us in the vast expanse of our galaxy.



Sky Headlines

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